"No Boots on the Ground"

Scout 4u

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2009
The president has said ...."No Boots on the Ground"
What if Air Power does not work and Collation Forces are not enough?

Will Obrack Obama then commit to US Forces on the ground to destroy ISIS as he has promised?
Or will this be just another RED LINE that the Terrorist will cross...
I believe we already know the answer ......

Interesting how the president brags about getting one guy, Osama Bin Ladin ...
but can't take on One JV Squad....
We already have boots on the ground

Anyone thinks we don't must have voted for Obama twice
Re: We already have boots on the ground

Correct Answer ....10pts
Now for 500+ and the game...

How do we get out?
Re: We already have boots on the ground

We don't,,,,,same as South Korea we keep 30,000 to 40,000 troops in the middle east to play cop. Hell we have the largest military in the world they might as well be deployed to Iraq as setting on their butt at some base in the states.
Re: We already have boots on the ground

The correct answer is...

"We never should have left"
If Japan were invaded today, liberals would have given it back.

Before you get off on the Bush, Forces Agreement spin. . .
Keep in mind that a Hawk may win the White House.
Do you really believe he'll "ever" leave Iraq?
Re: We already have boots on the ground

I think most of you know that I feel war is a waste of lives and money. To say we will not have boots on the ground is a lie. We already have boots on the ground. These tribes will be killing each other long after we are dead and gone. Simply put getting involved in other people's civil wars and religious wars is just plain stupid. It is a lose, lose strategy. I've said it before and I will say it until I am dead and gone. If we want to be the world's police then crank up the draft again and start with all politicians son's and daughter's and see how that works
Re: We already have boots on the ground

You make good points, guess we just differ on what's worth fighting for.

WW II Germany - Europe

WW II Japan - San Francisco

Korean War - Soviet Aggression

Gulf War I - Iran vs Iraq "Oil"

Gulf War II - Kuwait/Saudi Arabia "Oil"

Gulf War III - You fill in the blank

Gulf War IV - Terrorism, that threatens "Oil"

Note that there are no wars in Africa that we care about.
Perhaps they should invest in "Oil" too?

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