NM, A question for you.



In all honesty,

Let me know what you think.

I will help a guy down on his luck,
But I hate someone too lazy to help theirselves.

I know great black people that are great citizens,
Yet black people make the news for crime most often.

Their are mostly good, hard working Hispanics,
Yet, illegals are a burden on our social system.

I believe homosexuality is a sin, and immoral,
Yet I am told it is o.k., and I am a homophobe.

We shouldn't make our kids say the pledge of alliegence,
But don't say anything negative about Mexico.

As a free thinking American, I should question our government,
But if I say anything against the president, I'm a racist.

If I am against abortion, I am an idiot,
Because they are not really a baby yet.

If I believe the bible, the word of God,
I am a hypocrite, because Veer says so.

If a politician speaks the truth, they are ridiculed, and run out of politics,
And then we wonder why they all lie?

I am so tired of political correctness , I hate democrats and republicans. It would be nice for a moral,moraintelligent, adult to lead this country to greatness. Yet, some on this board don't think our country is great, and I believe they don't want this country to be great.

So what am I?

A conservative?

A liberal?

An independent?

Or as Veer says, a republiberalcanneoconwarmongeringscrubloveinghomophobichypocrite ?
In all honesty,

Let me know what you think.

I will help a guy down on his luck,
But I hate someone too lazy to help theirselves.

I know great black people that are great citizens,
Yet black people make the news for crime most often.

Their are mostly good, hard working Hispanics,
Yet, illegals are a burden on our social system.

I believe homosexuality is a sin, and immoral,
Yet I am told it is o.k., and I am a homophobe.

We shouldn't make our kids say the pledge of alliegence,
But don't say anything negative about Mexico.

As a free thinking American, I should question our government,
But if I say anything against the president, I'm a racist.

If I am against abortion, I am an idiot,
Because they are not really a baby yet.

If I believe the bible, the word of God,
I am a hypocrite, because Veer says so.

If a politician speaks the truth, they are ridiculed, and run out of politics,
And then we wonder why they all lie?

I am so tired of political correctness , I hate democrats and republicans. It would be nice for a moral,moraintelligent, adult to lead this country to greatness. Yet, some on this board don't think our country is great, and I believe they don't want this country to be great.

So what am I?

A conservative?

A liberal?

An independent?

Or as Veer says, a republiberalcanneoconwarmongeringscrubloveinghomophobichypocrite ?

I love your last question.