Nice vacay


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Mar 12, 2005
Sixteen days in Florida. “I’ll be too busy working to leave the WH.” I don’t begrudge anyone taking a vacation, but he sure had no problem criticizing Obama. What goes around ...
we are all being manipulated and lied to...every year under every president. This one we just know about more than any in history.

Is Trump honestly more corrupt than any other sitting president, or do we just have more access to the knowledge of it?
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we are all being manipulated and lied to...every year under every president. This one we just know about more than any in history.

Is Trump honestly more corrupt than any other sitting president, or do we just have more access to the knowledge of it?
In all honesty, I’d say both. We’ve kept a closer watch on this scumbag because he’s been a scumbag for most of his scumbag life.
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we are all being manipulated and lied to...every year under every president. This one we just know about more than any in history.

Is Trump honestly more corrupt than any other sitting president, or do we just have more access to the knowledge of it?

Dude. Its not even close. Come on.

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