Albany DA To Drop ‘Forcible Touching’ Charges Against Andrew Cuomo
It seems Andrew Cuomo won’t be held criminally accountable for any of his actions as governor of New York. The New York Post reported on Monday that “Albany County District Attorney David Soares is expected to drop criminal charges of forcible touching against disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo days...
Must be Dang Good to be a Democrat in NY and be above the law....Kill people in Nursing homes and Sexually assault women ain't no thing in NY just Be a Democrat with other Democrat cronies having our back and Puff charges just go away.
But in their defense I guess NY has to focus all it's attention on Orangeman bad and his Shady Business tactics....cause Killing and Sexually assaulting women pale in comparison to some Bribes and Grift in the World of big business.