NFL Divisional Round Picks


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2003
We have.....

Chiefs vs. Colts on Saturday @ 3pm
Rams vs. Cowboys @ 7pm

Chargers vs. Patriots on Sunday @ 12pm
Eagles vs. Saints @3pm

My bold prediction is a Colts vs. Chargers AFC Championship(which would mean a road sweep, has that ever happened?)
Rams vs. Aints
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We have.....

Chiefs vs. Colts on Saturday @ 3pm
Rams vs. Cowboys @ 7pm

Chargers vs. Patriots on Sunday @ 12pm
Eagles vs. Saints @3pm

My bold prediction is a Colts vs. Chargers AFC Championship(which would mean a road sweep, has that ever happened?)
Rams vs. Aints
do you fancy yourself as an avid fisherman?
Colts 37-34
Patriots 24-17
Rams 27-17
Saints 38-14

I type this out and my primary thought is that you could probably swap those scores in those first two games pretty easily ... I think when you factor in the Chiefs defensive issues? it makes the AFC somewhat wide open. I don't have much confidence in Andy either. I could call for the easy road to the big trophy if it were the Offense that wins championships.
Almost time to play the game!
My picks
Chiefs (with not much confidence)
Patriots (see above)
Chiefs 44 Colts 28 (*Luck's QB rating is 88 on the road vs. 109 at home)
Chargers 28 -21
Cowboys 37-36
Eagles 28-27

Patrick Mahomes 121 QB rating on the road. 106 at home.
We have.....

Chiefs vs. Colts on Saturday @ 3pm
Rams vs. Cowboys @ 7pm

Chargers vs. Patriots on Sunday @ 12pm
Eagles vs. Saints @3pm

My bold prediction is a Colts vs. Chargers AFC Championship(which would mean a road sweep, has that ever happened?)
Rams vs. Aints
The Mox will choose.....

Chiefs over the Colts
MY COWBOYS over Rams

Pats over Chargers
Eagles over Saints
I worry about Dallas/Rams. Please Rams, dont blow this and force me to see those Jerry puppets slapping him on the back during the game like he is a genius every time they get a first down.
We have.....

Chiefs vs. Colts on Saturday @ 3pm
Rams vs. Cowboys @ 7pm

Chargers vs. Patriots on Sunday @ 12pm
Eagles vs. Saints @3pm

My bold prediction is a Colts vs. Chargers AFC Championship(which would mean a road sweep, has that ever happened?)
Rams vs. Aints
MY Pittsburgh Steelers did it back in 2005!! Anyways, here are my predictions

Chief 45 Colts 38 - Expect this one to be a wild shootout! No 6-2 Stack Monster here!

Rams 33 Cowboys 21 - LA gets their D back on track!

Patriots 28 Chargers 21 - I see a close game here. All depends on the Patriot offense

Saints 35 Eagles 21 - Wont be a blowout like during the regular season.
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Chiefs 42 Colts 21
Chargers 31 Pats 28
Cowboys 21 Rams 20
Saints 42 Eagles 21
Vikes 66 Steelers 53
Chiefs 31 Colts 17 (just win the dam game KC)
Chargers 28 -21
Rams 28-24
Eagles 24-23
Chiefs 38 Colts 34 (ditto what runbilly says!!!)
Chargers 24 Pats 21
Rams 28 Cowboys 20
Saints 35 Eagles 21
Whats the weather going to be like in KC?
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Keep hearing about St. Louis getting a blizzard but not hearing much on KC
Accuweather (the most accurate--get it, get it???) says 3-6, but over 50% chance for more than 6 currently...But all seems to be gone by game time. Buddy is the head groundskeeper. Bet he's spinning in circles right now. Been raining all morning, then snow, then sleety crap. His crew is gonna be busy.
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Accuweather (the most accurate--get it, get it???) says 3-6, but over 50% chance for more than 6 currently...But all seems to be gone by game time. Buddy is the head groundskeeper. Bet he's spinning in circles right now. Been raining all morning, then snow, then sleety crap. His crew is gonna be busy.

All meaningless if there is no snow or rain DURING the game. The grounds will be near perfect.
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Chiefs vs. Colts on Saturday @ 3pm
Rams vs. Cowboys @ 7pm

Chargers vs. Patriots on Sunday @ 12pm
Eagles vs. Saints @3pm

NFC Championship
Lambs v Aints

AFC Championship
Chargers v Ponies

All Los Angeles Super Bowl
Chargers v Lambs

Super Bowl Champion
Colts @ Pats
I'll take the Pats at home in January every time.

Rams @ Saints
Give me the team with the better QB, at home & out of the elements.

Brees vs Brady in the Super Bowl, could've called it in the preseason.
Boy those games were snoozers, hopefully today brings a little “more”...
Boy those games were snoozers, hopefully today brings a little “more”...

I thought you loved cave man, pound the rock football??? The Rams shoved it down Dallas' throat. We hardly saw Jerry on the screen at all. Great game.
I dont see why you get so upset over this Joe. Mox was being faithful to his girlfriend and didn't want to ruin his friendship with Darcy! Plus, she was just throwing herself at whoever the starting QB was. Mox should get a round of applause.

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