Next Cale Griffin.....?


Active Member
Oct 21, 2005
Could Kemper Kellerstrauss from cameron become the next Cale Griffin? From what I've heard, he's cleaning house just like Cale did , and he's undefeated.(Please tell me if I'm wrong)
Cale Griffin won 3 consecutive state titles and posted a 150+ win record compared to only one loss in the state tournament in 2000, where he still ended up placing third. Brian is good,REALLY good, so don't get me wrong. But Brian isn't the future of Cameron wrestling. Kemper is.
Brian is a Sr. Nobody expected this from him. He came out as an underdog and surprised the entire state. Kemper,on the other hand, everybody expected great things from him from the begining. I'm not saying that Kemper had higher expectations than Brian. I'm saying that they have 2 different stories. Brian pushed himself this far. Kemper still has time to mold his own future.
How can you call Brian McClure an underdog? He's a 4X state qualifier. That doesn't constitute as an underdog in my book. Plus, I think that all wrestlers work hard. It's not their choice because the sport is so demanding. It's a matter of thinking outside the box and planning for the move ahead of you. I still don't think McClure is an underdog.
What I am saying is compare Cale's Career to Brian's. 3 time state qualifier, 2 time state champ, working on the third.
Cale Griffin only lost one match his ENTIRE wrestlong career. Brian lost more than that, but his place in Missouri History will be right up there near Cale Griffin's
Too bad Cale could never beat Bobbe Lowe from Oak Grove and was never in the same class as him
How do you know? Cale was one helluva wrestler. It's the state's fault that they weren't in the same class. Don't dis Cale beacause you think some guy would hand him his ass on a silver platter. Be careful. It may be the other way around.
and where is Cale now, just wondering. Bobbe went on to be an All-American at the University of Minnesota
How do you know Cale couldn't have been an All-American? That's right. You don't. So, next time you want to bash Cale Griffin over the head about about this Bobbe Lowe guy and how great he was think what would happen if the table turned and Lowe was the one who's career ahd been ended.
didn't bash him, I asked where he is now because I had no idea. For all I knew he could have been an all-american at OK ST. Little defensive are we?
Re: Dustin Brewer

Lets settle this now, we will never know where Cale's career would have lead him. They never wrestled and they never will. We can only speculate what would have occured had they been able to wrestle each other. They were/are both great wrestlers and it would have been one helluva treat to watch them.

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