New MSHSAA By Law for 2019 Football


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
By Law

Any school choosing not to fulfill their contractual or verbal commitment to participate in an 11 man football contest and therefore elects to field an 8 man team will only be allowed to dress out a maximum of 16 players at a contest. If they have more than 16 players dressed out then they need to honor their word and play 11 man.
What if one of their players has already transferred to a public school?
Dudes, there can be no such thing as By-Law
1st of all By-Laew 3.2 deals with the NFHS.
2nd By Law 3.22 deals with softball/baseball.
3nd no By.Law can end .o
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No, true sarcasm would have added something from By-Law 3.15.6. If you do not have a basic understanding of the rules how do you expect to fool anybody but the ignorant? And what is the fun in that?
Am I missing something but how can a team decide to just switch to 8 man? Is this decided during the summer? How do they schedule games? I know how hard it is to just replace one dropped team from a schedule.

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