National Signing Day...Toughest Time Period In My Life!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2011
Ampipe, PA
I know yesterday was National Signing Day for College Football. In the Djordjevic house, it is always a tough day. It brings up a lot of memories and i an extremely rough time in my life, when i was lost and didnt know what direction my life was going to take.

Growing up in Ampipe i always played to win, after Nickerson blackballed me i wondered every day if i was ever going to get to play again? If someone was to ask me exactly what was going through my head during this time in my life i would probably tell them the following...I was tested everyday, everything was at stake, I couldn't afford to lose, I had to wonder if I had all the right moves, I had a dream...but that dream had begun to sour, I was busting to break out I had to make all the right moves. I had discovered growing up in Ampipe, that winning was the only way out and I was worried if I had made all the right moves.

Spoiler Alert, with some help, I made the right moves!!!!

Anyway...Congrats to all our new College football players, I know several big schools in our area that were bragging about the amount of signees they had so let me give you a run down of my Senior year....

Brian (Or as i liked to call him Bry) --- Southern Cal
Shadow --- West Virginia (He always wanted to go there)
Tank --- Furman
Mouse --- he played ball
Salvucci --- Pennsylvania State Prison
Me -- Cal Poly
Nickerson -- Cal Poly, then to Minnesota State, then on to Pro Football in Orlando. (Fixed)
Lisa --- No where, she wanted a Music scholarship, but had to stay and work in Ampipe. Kinda sad.
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It's been a long time... But I thought Brian (Bry) got a gal knocked up and was going to stay in Ampipe? Sad about Lisa, she may be in Ampipe, but she has aged well and transformed into quite a MILF/Cougar.
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I was just glad to see that Mox went to Brown still. And Wendell still got his chance at Grambling, even though Coach Kilmer tried to stop all that! Good luck boys!

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I was just glad to see that Mox went to Brown still. And Wendell still got his chance at Grambling, even though Coach Kilmer tried to stop all that! Good luck boys!


Coach Kilmer does a great job in Ray Donovan! Mickey!!
It's been a long time... But I thought Brian (Bry) got a gal knocked up and was going to stay in Ampipe? Sad about Lisa, she may be in Ampipe, but she is has aged well and transformed into quite a MILF/Cougar.

Brian did sign with SC... never made it out there...but he did sign.

And i am not surprised about Lisa. Great girl.
With the help of a prison teacher he was involved with, Salvucci escaped prison and now in the mountains of NY hiding!
I know yesterday was National Signing Day for College Football. In the Djordjevic house, it is always a tough day. It brings up a lot of memories and i an extremely rough time in my life, when i was lost and didnt know what direction my life was going to take.

Growing up in Ampipe i always played to win, after Nickerson blackballed me i wondered every day if i was ever going to get to play again? If someone was to ask me exactly what was going through my head during this time in my life i would probably tell them the following...I was tested everyday, everything was at stake, I couldn't afford to lose, I had to wonder if I had all the right moves, I had a dream...but that dream had begun to sour, I was busting to break out I had to make all the right moves. I had discovered growing up in Ampipe, that winning was the only way out and I was worried if I had made all the right moves.

Spoiler Alert, with some help, I made the right moves!!!!

Anyway...Congrats to all our new College football players, I know several big schools in our area that were bragging about the amount of signees they had so let me give you a run down of my Senior year....

Brian (Or as i liked to call him Bry) --- Southern Cal
Shadow --- West Virginia (He always wanted to go there)
Tank --- Furman
Mouse --- he played ball
Salvucci --- Pennsylvania State Prison
Me -- Cal Poly
Nickerson -- Cal Poly, then to Minnesota, then on to Pro Football in Miami.
Lisa --- No where, she wanted a Music scholarship, but had to stay and work in Ampipe. Kinda sad.
Hey Stef! Whatever happened to Bosco?
You should have taken the safety.

However, your pregame speech was Epic.

'Do you know why they only gave us 500 tickets to this game?.......'

The pre-game speech was great. I still get chills thinking about it. Man i was ready to play that game.

"How are we gonna do it? TOGETHER!!!"
If it wasnt for me you wouldnt have a degree let alone know the 6-2 stack monster, you may be the reason I had to change my name.........
You should never have given him that scholarship! Black balling him was the best thing you could do! And you deserved to be run out of town! All that hype at the pep rally was for nothing!
You should never have given him that scholarship! Black balling him was the best thing you could do! And you deserved to be run out of town! All that hype at the pep rally was for nothing!
I was wondering if you were out there some where Bosko! You turned a young teens life inside out that night! Shame on you for capitalizing on a young kids emotions! Go back to the mill!
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I wonder if you were hiding behind a clearly upset and emotional 17 year old, letting him do the work you were to cowardly to do.
To cowardly? I was there! Who do you think organized and led the trashing of your place? I am the booster in charge of pep rallies for a reason! Im glad youre not coaching in PA again. I bet you would get ran out of town again!

You piece of garbage. I still owe you a beating from what you and your 3 friends did to me in the bar that night. You almost ruined my life.
You deserved everything you got in that bar! You ruined this towns only chance at beating Walnut Heights and getting another state championship!
Easy Stefan- remember he wasnt man enough to confront a man face to face- had to trash my house when I wasnt even awake and throw trash on my wife and little girl too-
And I would STILL dump trash on your lawn! That's the least you deserved after the Walnut Heights game! Getting run out of town was icing on the cake.
And I would STILL dump trash on your lawn! That's the least you deserved after the Walnut Heights game! Getting run out of town was icing on the cake.

Two things Bosko...
1)I will be seeing you around, you can count on that! If i had my hard hat for the Mill I would throw it at you through this computer screen.
2) Nice Profile Pic
Two things Bosko...
1)I will be seeing you around, you can count on that! If i had my hard hat for the Mill I would throw it at you through this computer screen.
2) Nice Profile Pic
I didn't think you came around Ampipe anymore. You skipped town as fast as you could. You even left Lisa behind! Thank you. This was taken during one of the many pep rallies I organized and led. This one was one of the better ones. The whole crowd was pumped and energized before the colossal let down at Walnut Heights. Nice pic yourself. Was that taken during the Walnut Heights game?
I didn't think you came around Ampipe anymore. You skipped town as fast as you could. You even left Lisa behind! Thank you. This was taken during one of the many pep rallies I organized and led. This one was one of the better ones. The whole crowd was pumped and energized before the colossal let down at Walnut Heights. Nice pic yourself. Was that taken during the Walnut Heights game?

This pic was taken in the locker room after the Walnut Heights game. Literally just seconds before i told Nickerson that The Vooch didnt quit... should have kept my mouth shut!

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