My shot Class 2 , with new list


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2003
Based on the new list, which makes too much sense to me to be wrong.

District 1 - Caruthersville, East Praire, Malden, Charleston, Kelly, New Madrid Jefferson, St Pius Festus
District 2 - Herky, Hillsboro, CUBA, Caranhan, Lift for Life, Duchense, Principia, L North
District 3 - Mont County, Herman, Hallsville, North Call, South Call, Blair Oaks, Father Tolton, California
District 4 - Liberty Mt View, Willow Springs, Strafford, Houston, Mt. Grove, Ava, Fair Grove, Forsyth
District 5 - East Newton, Sarcoxie, Lamar, Stockton, El Dorado, Versailes, Warsaw, Butler
District 6 - Knob, St Paul, Holden, St Micheal, UA, Lone Jack, Summit Christian, Lafayette Co.
District 7 - Lawson, Trenton, Brookfield, Carrollton, Lexington, Macon, Lathrop, Richmond
District 8 - Clark, Highland, Palmyra, Clopton, Bowling Green, Van Far, Monroe City, Mexico Military
Monroe City would have a very tough test getting out of that district IMO. I would put Clark County ahead of them and don't count out Palmyra. I also don't recall a NE district being either 7 or 8 recently.
They never are. Districts numbers start in the SE, go north, then go SW, then go north again. Backwards N. #8 show be #4 and 4-5-6-7 should all be one more.
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Monroe City would have a very tough test getting out of that district IMO. I would put Clark County ahead of them and don't count out Palmyra. I also don't recall a NE district being either 7 or 8 recently.

Look at last cycle, it went boot, middle, south west, northeast and then northwest
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I stand corrected. After following like all other sports the format above for years, FB has made a Z: SE to SW to NE to NW. Following that, your districts 3-8 need to be renumbered.
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I stand corrected. After following like all other sports the format above for years, FB has made a Z: SE to SW to NE to NW. Following that, your districts 3-8 need to be renumbered.

What’s the districts guys? Like the numbers? Who’s facing who!

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