MSHSSA High School Football Scoreboard Tracker - Score Stream


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2003
Arnold, MO
For the past couple of years I maintained a scoreboard tracker for Mid MO Sports Online which was utilized for Blair Oaks webcasts. The scoreboard tracker grown quite a bit over the last few years and I am currently revamping it for the start of districts next week. I currently have the normal MMSO scoreboard as well now a Class 2 scoreboard but after I plan to get all classes added by Thursday of next week. It is powered by the scorestream app database.

With that being said, and I think I have posted this before but if your at your local game or if you use scorestream please update (with the correct scores) of the games you are watching or listening to. This scoreboard as well as the main app is only as good as people who report into it.

Additionally, if you're looking for the scores you can go to

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