Just because it is peered reviewed, doesn't mean they all agreed.... I did go out and read it, and basically it all reads like it is his hypotheses not really any more solid data than what we already have out now or that the author feels like is important? It even says in one part that nobody got sick because they don't know that anybody was exposed in those groups .... not really sound data... So to me it is just another study leaning towards his current believe. Like trying to prove if a Ford or Chevy is better, it is all up to those who drive them.
However all that being said it is interesting. But that if you go out and read many of the other printed papers it sounds like they will print ... I read some really other interesting stories.
Now all that being said I don't know after reading that if mask do or don't work and even now if you were to ask me what I truly thought I would say I don't know....But if I want to wear one that is my right doesn't make me a sheep or say anything about my political affiliation. And if somebody doesn't want to wear one and they keep thier distance from me I don't care either, They have that right but I also feel business have a right to either allow or not allow you in based on your mask wearing just like I have a choice not to go in if they are not forcing anybody to wear one and I will not feel comfortable.
Now also I don't know if it was the social distancing or the mask or a combination of both. But if you look at the rate of transmission of the flu in 2020 something worked, because the numbers are way down. I know many will say hey it is because they said the flu was just listed as Covid...well maybe but I doubt it, I still got tested for both when I went to the doctor, and so did my kids. Even in the schools they are showing colds are way down even our pedicatrian mentioned that they have not seen as many kids for just common colds and other viruses.
Like you mentioned about the vaccine it will take many years to comb thru the data, we are again now going back and learning more about the spanish flu because of this pandemic....It will be interesting what we do find out in the coming decade.