Moderna vaccine 95% effective


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
They are going to ask for emergency approval first of month from FDA

Sure as Hell glad Biden wasn’t in office over the last year. We would still have a blue ribbon panel study to determine the shape of the meeting table

They said 20 million doses will be available for use by the end of December
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You going to take it, or are you going to say no since they will tell the regular people not to take it and leave it for the medical professionals, you know like they did for the masks?
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You going to take it, or are you going to say no since they will tell the regular people not to take it and leave it for the medical professionals, you know like they did for the masks?
When did “they” say that masks will keep you from getting sick but not to wear one because we don’t have enough to go around??

Of course I will take it, I am over 65 and in a high risk group

Thank god Trump had enough sense to pay billions of dollars so that production of the vaccines started months ago and we are not just starting that process now
..... Me thinks the politicians should have to take it first and if they survive then distribute it to the rest of the country... If they don't survive then the country will be safe...!!! ;)o_O C =|~
..... Me thinks the politicians should have to take it first and if they survive then distribute it to the rest of the country... If they don't survive then the country will be safe...!!! ;)o_O C =|~
This is nasty stuff and must be handled carefully. The Pfizer vaccine must be distributed by the military because nobody has freezers to keep it frozen at -95F like is required, and it only has a shelf life of like 2-3 days and hurts like hell when injected

The Moderna vaccine can be handled in the refrigeration systems in place at Doctors offices and hospitals and has a long shelf life at room temp
You going to take it, or are you going to say no since they will tell the regular people not to take it and leave it for the medical professionals, you know like they did for the masks?

Expect, over the years you and I have agreed on about 93% of the politics topics on this board. But you have exhibited an incredible amount of patience when dealing with stupidity.

This response you made to Covid-Karen was an absolute throat punch, applying his flawed logic against him to make your point. You are a hall of famer in my book, sir. His obvious response should have been “touché”.

The narrow mindedness of a large segment of our population just astounds me. They don’t think of the physically and mentally exhausted healthcare workers nor patients who have to put off needed surgery nor those that lose their jobs because rural hospitals are closing. All could be lessened with the populace strictly following CDC guidelines. But going out to eat, having a wrestling match or walking in Walmart mask less is more important than our health care industry.
93% That is pretty specific. :)
I am honored to be on your side as often as we are.
I agree 100% with you on the last paragraph. It's truly frightening.
I have seen a couple of news features where they have talked to the heroes working on covid vaccines and what I love is those people believe in Math and science. They follow data. They are college educated people who are constantly learning and applying new information. Several are children of immigrants.

They are going to save millions of lives and they are pretty much the same as the scientists who have warned up about climate change. These people save Trump voters lives and the ignorant bastages still deny there is even a problem. America 2020.
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I have seen a couple of news features where they have talked to the heroes working on covid vaccines and what I love is those people believe in Math and science. They follow data. They are college educated people who are constantly learning and applying new information. Several are children of immigrants.

They are going to save millions of lives and they are pretty much the same as the scientists who have warned up about climate change. These people save Trump voters lives and the ignorant bastages still deny there is even a problem. America 2020.

Very good and accuracy post. Does anyone have the cost of the vaccine? Pfizer-Germany and Moderna- America are the sole owners of the the new Covid-19 Vaccine. Please correct the Moderma ownership?

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