FixtClinton 322 Electoral Votes.
The Republican primary voters scheme has worked to perfection.
I predict the middle class is screwed no matter which one of these horrible candidates wins.
Darn it, I missed Wisconsin. Almost pulled the trigger on Michigan.....may end up right.
You can blame the President for a lot of things but COVID is a stretch. But I do realize a lot of people will and that is why I feel he loses a close race. And please don’t waste a reply in what he has or hasn’t done in relation to COVID 19. Any President would have struggled with the situation.I assume the point of bumping this 4 year old post is to somehow equate 2020 with 2016 or imply that the 2016 result is predictive for this year.
Bahahahahaha No. Was Clinton polling above 50% at this point in 2016? Had Trump killed 215,000 people? Was the GOP having to spend millions in Georgia and Arizona? This is like a different century.
Benghazi?It’s easy to sit back and blame people for what should’ve could’ve been done. This is your opinion and that’s fine but we will never know how or what other people would’ve handled it. Ducky you just like to blame Trump for everything because it fits your narrative