Looking for a OC or DC - Winfield, MO

MO Balls

New Member
Mar 1, 2012
Winfield High School is looking for a OC or DC for the upcoming year. Would like person to be a OL/DL guy but that is not set in stone. Please contact if you know anyone interested. Teaching job is Social Studies and TBD
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Winfield High School is looking for a OC or DC for the upcoming year. Would like person to be a OL/DL guy but that is not set in stone. Please contact if you know anyone interested. Teaching job is TBD
I know a great former QB at Brown and a great fomer DB at Cal-Poly that might be able to help. If your booster club needs a little, I got a guy for that too.
I know a great former QB at Brown and a great fomer DB at Cal-Poly that might be able to help. If your booster club needs a little, I got a guy for that too.
I saw the QB at Brown and thought about ol' Moxon coming to Winfield to run my O. Although, he never played again so maybe its a different QB from Brown.

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