From the Mexico Ledger...
"Friday night's 106-61 drubbing of the Moberly Spartans won't soon be forgotten, no matter what happens from here on out. A 65 point second half enabled the Bulldogs, 21-2 overall and 5-0 conference, to break their school scoring record of 104 points. That was set a year ago in Jefferson City against the Helias Crusaders..."
The good ole daze.......C =()~
*Enjoy the road to the final-4. Cya in Columbia...~!~
"Friday night's 106-61 drubbing of the Moberly Spartans won't soon be forgotten, no matter what happens from here on out. A 65 point second half enabled the Bulldogs, 21-2 overall and 5-0 conference, to break their school scoring record of 104 points. That was set a year ago in Jefferson City against the Helias Crusaders..."
The good ole daze.......C =()~
*Enjoy the road to the final-4. Cya in Columbia...~!~
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