Originally posted by millerbleach:
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
You mean his Ranch that he sold as soon as he left office. He's bonafide city slicker, not a rancher. BTW his "home" was the White House while he was Prez.
Midland Texas is where "city slickers" live?
He was raised in Texas, lived in Texas, had his business life in Texas, and was Governor of Texas. He lives in Texas now. Why, of all things, do you find fault with his home being on a ranch in Texas? He was going to his HOME on all those "vacations" you equate to Obamas' luxury vacations. Whether you think Bush actually was clearing brush or not, there wasn't a lot of taxpayer expense to his vacations.
There are MANY MANY faults of George W Bush and his presidency. Can't we at least not find fault where there isn't any?