Little late to make amends now...

Funny Skit, but really after being the Shaming and Smearing comedy wing of the Vax/Mask Cult back tracking now is dishonest.

I watched the skit and it was funny, but really just liberials LOL, I know many Pubs that worried about it just as much, they mask crowd seemed to be more defined by age than party status.
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I knew masks where bogus from the Git go as I stated on this board often...and the medical community did as well. They just pushed it because of some insane belief it would be best for society as a whole. While behind the scenes they scoffed at how effective it was. Jeez I got a mask on now cause while they are not screening temps anymore for C19 they can't let go of the Mask policy LOL even though it's just Safety Theatre for the masses.

Pushing stuff like this as hardcore facts and absolute truths and necessary for safety back fires ....when there is easily available studies that call in to question the validity of this approach then add in the hardcore call for mandates to boot well this leads to resistance.... and this is why the Public quickly losses trust of those in charge when valid sources refute the party line then people just naturally become distrustful of the Govt organizations that promote them and then some start buying into every Tom Dick and Harry theory that shows up on the Social Media outlets no matter how outrageous.
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I knew masks where bogus from the Git go as I stated on this board often...and the medical community did as well. They just pushed it because of some insane belief it would be best for society as a whole. While behind the scenes they scoffed at how effective it was. Jeez I got a mask on now cause while they are not screening temps anymore for C19 they can't let go of the Mask policy LOL even though it's just Safety Theatre for the masses.

Pushing stuff like this as hardcore facts and absolute truths and necessary for safety back fires ....when there is easily available studies that call in to question the validity of this approach then add in the hardcore call for mandates to boot well this leads to resistance.... and this is why the Public quickly losses trust of those in charge when valid sources refute the party line then people just naturally become distrustful of the Govt organizations that promote them and then some start buying into every Tom Dick and Harry theory that shows up on the Social Media outlets no matter how outrageous.
yep this time last year we were averaging about 60,000 new cases a day and everyone was preaching to wear a mask or we all would be doomed

Right now we are averaging about 70,000 new cases a day ( higher than last year) but all of a sudden everyone is dropping mask mandates and they are not needed anymore. The reason is that democratic leaders see the writing on the wall for Novembers elections and are doing everything possible to get votes
yep this time last year we were averaging about 60,000 new cases a day and everyone was preaching to wear a mask or we all would be doomed

Right now we are averaging about 70,000 new cases a day ( higher than last year) but all of a sudden everyone is dropping mask mandates and they are not needed anymore. The reason is that democratic leaders see the writing on the wall for Novembers elections and are doing everything possible to get votes
We're at 54k new cases per day last I checked.

But go on with your bloviating.
We're at 54k new cases per day last I checked.

But go on with your bloviating.
latest data CDC Website

March 1 42129
Feb 28 87318
Feb 27 11735
Feb 26 20617
Feb 25 78193
Feb 24 77390
Feb 23 76394

Seven day moving average would be 56,254 and almost exactly the same as last year if you can trust the CDC. Isnt it funny how the Covid VIrus doesnt like to work weekends??

Exactly why were masks required last year and we were all idiots for not wearing them, but now the CDC and our government says you dont need to wear them any more? Because they were, and are, liars not to be trusted
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latest data CDC Website

March 1 42129
Feb 28 87318
Feb 27 11735
Feb 26 20617
Feb 25 78193
Feb 24 77390
Feb 23 76394

Seven day moving average would be 56,254 and almost exactly the same as last year if you can trust the CDC. Isnt it funny how the Covid VIrus doesnt like to work weekends??

Exactly why were masks required last year and we were all idiots for not wearing them, but now the CDC and our government says you dont need to wear them any more? Because they were, and are, liars not to be trusted

It's pretty evident that medical professionals know they don't work. That's why surgeons have all stopped wearing those oppressive masks, for Freedom's sake.
latest data CDC Website

March 1 42129
Feb 28 87318
Feb 27 11735
Feb 26 20617
Feb 25 78193
Feb 24 77390
Feb 23 76394

Seven day moving average would be 56,254 and almost exactly the same as last year if you can trust the CDC. Isnt it funny how the Covid VIrus doesnt like to work weekends??

Exactly why were masks required last year and we were all idiots for not wearing them, but now the CDC and our government says you dont need to wear them any more? Because they were, and are, liars not to be trusted
The numbers Im seeing aren't close to that. Are you sure that's new cases?
It's pretty evident that medical professionals know they don't work. That's why surgeons have all stopped wearing those oppressive masks, for Freedom's sake.
They clearly wear them because they don't work. They're part of the conspiracy
It's pretty evident that medical professionals know they don't work. That's why surgeons have all stopped wearing those oppressive masks, for Freedom's sake.
It's the surgical protocol that is used and the fact Surgeons wear N95 grade masks that make them effective. Come on this is common knowledge. But even that in some studies is called into question.

It's the surgical protocol that is used and the fact Surgeons wear N95 grade masks that make them effective. Come on this is common knowledge. But even that in some studies is called into question.

Common knowledge? No. Not, at least, as far as the very study you cited says:

"More rigorous contemporary research is needed to make a definitive comment on the effectiveness of surgical facemasks."

"It is important not to construe an absence of evidence for effectiveness with evidence for the absence of effectiveness. While there is a lack of evidence supporting the effectiveness of facemasks, there is similarly a lack of evidence supporting their ineffectiveness."

Common conjecture by some who are opposed to their use? That one checks out.
It's the surgical protocol that is used and the fact Surgeons wear N95 grade masks that make them effective. Come on this is common knowledge. But even that in some studies is called into question.

Common knowledge? No. Not, at least, as far as the very study you cited says:

"More rigorous contemporary research is needed to make a definitive comment on the effectiveness of surgical facemasks."

"It is important not to construe an absence of evidence for effectiveness with evidence for the absence of effectiveness. While there is a lack of evidence supporting the effectiveness of facemasks, there is similarly a lack of evidence supporting their ineffectiveness."

Common conjecture by some who are opposed to their use? That one checks out.
The issue is it will be hard to replicate real world effectiveness for the common public in studies ......use them correctly with perfect protocol then you can get between 50 and 80 percent effectiveness. Depending on which study you believe.

The general common public usage is lax and comical to those of us trained on infectious protocol. I hate PPE training it sucks...but outside a hospital setting....well it's pretty telling that the places with mandates had rates equal to those that didn't.
The issue is it will be hard to replicate real world effectiveness for the common public in studies ......use them correctly with perfect protocol then you can get between 50 and 80 percent effectiveness. Depending on which study you believe.

The general common public usage is lax and comical to those of us trained on infectious protocol. I hate PPE training it sucks...but outside a hospital setting....well it's pretty telling that the places with mandates had rates equal to those that didn't.

Here's a study rather than an opinion piece:

"We show that mask mandates are associated with a statistically significant decrease in new cases (-3.55 per 100K), deaths (-0.13 per 100K), and the proportion of hospital admissions (-2.38 percentage points) up to 40 days after the introduction of mask mandates both at the state and county level."
A opinion piece that sited actual data and studies as well....And isn't PLOs One associated with creator gate and some other Chinese grant issues?

It's pretty clear cloth mask don't work.

The genetic fallacy aside, I submit...again...this:

"We show that mask mandates are associated with a statistically significant decrease in new cases (-3.55 per 100K), deaths (-0.13 per 100K), and the proportion of hospital admissions (-2.38 percentage points) up to 40 days after the introduction of mask mandates both at the state and county level."

Also, if we're going to play the game of retracted articles and trustworthiness, let's go ahead and do that:

One retracted an article because of reference to a "Creator" and one retracted an article that had a falsification. Using your line of thinking, this disqualifies BMJ as a reputable journal or at least casts a shadow. I think that's unreasonable. Reasonable people know that every journal ever has retracted papers; this doesn't disqualify them as valid sources of information.

If we're moving the goalposts to just cloth masks, then I can agree that cloth masks aren't nearly as effective as surgical or N95 masks. Of course, I may as well say that the sky is blue while I'm at it.

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