You can go to this address on our website to download the 2011 coaches book. It is full of drills, ideas, plays. ect...... contributed by your fellow coaches and it is free! You can also download the 2010 and 2009 books at this site.'s_book.htm
Below is our schedule for next summer. Good luck to everyone in districts.
Licking Summer Camp
2012 Schedule
June 1-2 F-S Poplar Bluff
June 8-9 F-S Rolla
June 13-14 W-TH Arnold
June 22-23 F-S Quincy, IL
#June 28-29 TH-F Joplin
July 9-10 M-TU Farmington
July 13-14 F-S Rolla
July 19-21* TH-S Branson
July 26-27 TH-F Lake of the Ozarks
*Three Day Camp
# New Camp Site
You can go to this address on our website to download the 2011 coaches book. It is full of drills, ideas, plays. ect...... contributed by your fellow coaches and it is free! You can also download the 2010 and 2009 books at this site.'s_book.htm
Below is our schedule for next summer. Good luck to everyone in districts.
Licking Summer Camp
2012 Schedule
June 1-2 F-S Poplar Bluff
June 8-9 F-S Rolla
June 13-14 W-TH Arnold
June 22-23 F-S Quincy, IL
#June 28-29 TH-F Joplin
July 9-10 M-TU Farmington
July 13-14 F-S Rolla
July 19-21* TH-S Branson
July 26-27 TH-F Lake of the Ozarks
*Three Day Camp
# New Camp Site