Lets say gun control laws are out

How can we at least keep guns away from the mentally ill to reduce mass murders?

It's pretty simple. Go back to Carter's proudest accomplishment and reverse the gutting of mental health care by Mr. Reagan. This would deny no one their precious second amendment rights. And get a lot of homeless off the streets.
Just exactly how many mass murderers that have made the news in the last few years were homeless people???

You guys are clueless
I didn't say they were all homeless !@#$&++
If you don't read the article, don't comment.

Good story on this subject on 60 Minutes this evening. Mentally ill patients are being denied health insurance coverage at astounding rates. The mental health doctors as well as the families of mentally ill patients are well aware that the person is a danger, yet a corporate doctor for Anthem (in this case) who has never seen the patient determines that the patient is not an immediate danger and denies further in patient coverage. The family is left with their only option of coming up with tens of thousands of dollars to keep the patient hospitalized. One Anthem corporate doctor denied continued hospitalized coverage 95% of the time on mentally ill patients.

Mental illness is not cured in a week or two. We curse these mentally ill people everytime there is another senseless killing by some sick person, yet many times there are many people who know they are a ticking time bomb. Yet corporate greed and profits override common sense decisions and there is nothing that can be done but turn them loose and hope nothing bad happens.

There is something inherantly wrong with our health insurance system. It's not about providing adequate health coverage for people. It's about charging people as much as they can get away with and providing the least amount of treatment possible. It's about PROFITS!!

Universal government sponsored nonprofit health care is the only solution. Private insurance companies are the biggest racket going in our country.

Think about it the next time some psycho goes on a killing spree and we find out that their families and doctors knew it was a matter of time.