Latest Iowa Poll - Sander gaining

Bogey Man

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004
Hillary's lead has is getting slimmer. Hillary at 37% and Sanders at 30% in Iowa for all you prognosticators saying a month ago that Bernie had no chance. There's a long way to go, boys, and it ain't over til it's over. Hillary does not have the majority of mainstream Democrats backing her. Only the big money.
I think more and more people and media are realizing the majority says #Nobushorclinton
Hillary's lead has is getting slimmer. Hillary at 37% and Sanders at 30% in Iowa for all you prognosticators saying a month ago that Bernie had no chance. There's a long way to go, boys, and it ain't over til it's over. Hillary does not have the majority of mainstream Democrats backing her. Only the big money.
A) Iowa is not a predictor of her nomination chances. Bernie's chances begin in Iowa and end in New Hampshire.

B) Clinton is over 50% in the polls among democrats. Even if Biden enters, she's still in the high 40%, far ahead of any contender.

Basically, it's a pipe dream to think she won't be the nominee.
Rep want Hillary to be nominee so they can keep digging dirt. Since Dems will win presidential election, their only hope is another "Impeach Clinton" movement.

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