Larry Bunn

Great coach! was at Jewell when I played there, awesome man
He was Jewell when it was built. I think poured the last and placed the last bricks on the first building. :) OK he is a great guy. Just so dang old. I'm still on his highlight film at the last Branson clinic he spoke at.
He was Jewell when it was built. I think poured the last and placed the last bricks on the first building. :) OK he is a great guy. Just so dang old. I'm still on his highlight film at the last Branson clinic he spoke at.

Loved the last time he spoke at Pitt State, trying to remember more of his quotes lol.

"Best coaching job is at a orphanage", as well as the Deer Lake clinic.
Playertwo If you call his Off. trick Plays he may fight you. Never a trick, always planned. And this quote was one of his best, "Best coaching job is at a orphanage". I still use it sometimes.
Playertwo If you call his Off. trick Plays he may fight you. Never a trick, always planned. And this quote was one of his best, "Best coaching job is at a orphanage". I still use it sometimes.

While I see what you're saying...isnt every play "planned" which is why it is considered a play. Ha