Missouri starting five against Kansas today.
Kassium Robertson 6'3"---33 minutes----Sr.
Michael Porter-------6'10"--23 minutes----Fr.
Blake Harris----------6'3"----21 minutes----Fr.
Jordan Barnett------6'7"----31 minutes----Sr.
Jeremiah Tilmon---6'10" --? --7 fouls------Fr.
Jontay Porter--------6'10"---21 minutes----Fr.
Terrence Phillips----5'11"---18 minutes----Jr.
Kevin Puryear-------6'7"-----22 minutes---Jr.
Cullen VanLeer-----6'4"------9--minutes---Jr.
Kansas 93----Missouri----87
Missouri coach Martin has reported a nine man rotation to start year season. I'm guessing the above players are in the 9 man rotation. One or two could be replaced according to performance.
The Porters were 10-32 from the field. Timons had 7 fouls and would have had 10 fouls with more minutes but played well according to reports.
Kansas--Did Kansas play any of their incoming freshmen?
Any one have more information and opinions on the Missouri Tigers?
Kassium Robertson 6'3"---33 minutes----Sr.
Michael Porter-------6'10"--23 minutes----Fr.
Blake Harris----------6'3"----21 minutes----Fr.
Jordan Barnett------6'7"----31 minutes----Sr.
Jeremiah Tilmon---6'10" --? --7 fouls------Fr.
Jontay Porter--------6'10"---21 minutes----Fr.
Terrence Phillips----5'11"---18 minutes----Jr.
Kevin Puryear-------6'7"-----22 minutes---Jr.
Cullen VanLeer-----6'4"------9--minutes---Jr.
Kansas 93----Missouri----87
Missouri coach Martin has reported a nine man rotation to start year season. I'm guessing the above players are in the 9 man rotation. One or two could be replaced according to performance.
The Porters were 10-32 from the field. Timons had 7 fouls and would have had 10 fouls with more minutes but played well according to reports.
Kansas--Did Kansas play any of their incoming freshmen?
Any one have more information and opinions on the Missouri Tigers?