Just a Thought...

Since the top talented players and their parents in St Louis collude and go to a few select programs. Why dont they collude together and all go to MU and make it a super team. #MUMGA (Make University Missouri Great Again)
To make University of Missouri great again in football, means that they would have had to been great sometime in the past.
To make University of Missouri great again in football, means that they would have had to been great sometime in the past.

Let me correct you sir. Mizzou was great in the 1960s.

1960s AP Rankings Greatest Teams
These rankings are created according to the CFN scoring system.

1 Alabama 138
T2 Arkansas 118
T2 Texas 118
4 Ohio State 106
5 Notre Dame 105
6 USC 102
7 LSU 101
8 Penn State 99
9 Missouri 93
10 UCLA 91
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