June 11 Takedown Tournament and Clinic in Goose Lake,Iowa


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Friday June 11 Takedown Tournament (Grades 7-12) and
Clinic (Grades K-12) in Goose Lake,IA

At Northeast High School
3690 Highway 136
Goose Lake, Iowa 52750

Date: Friday, June 11, 2010

Wrestling Clinic:3:00-5:00P.M.
Weigh-ins: 4:00-5:30 P.M.
Wrestling Starts at 6:30 P.M.

Clinic Entry Fee: $ 10 Andy Norton-(state place winner) Assistant Coach of the Year at NPHS
Jacob Elsbernd-(state place winner) Assistant Coach at BGM
Beau Jack-(state qualifier) Former College Wrestler and Coach

Tournament Entry Fee: Mail-ins-$12-Postmarked June 3rd (No Refunds)
Mail to: Steve Farrell P.O. Box 232 Preston, Iowa 52069
Call-ins-$ 13-No Later than 8 P.M. June 10th Thursday Night
Call to: Steve Farrell (319) 404-0722

Make checks payable to: Northeast High School

Pairings: 4 man bracket, round robin Wrestling Divisions: Middle School Grades 7-8
High School Grades 9-12

Matches: 2-1-1 (O.T. is first takedown) Awards: Medals for 1st and 2nd Place

Rules: All folkstyle rules expect when you take your opponent down you have approximately 15 seconds to turn him or he will be released and wrestling will continue on your feet. Any time the match stops you start on your feet again.

Admissions: Adults $3 Students $ 1

Food: Concessions stand will be available

For Forms go to:

Wrestling Form

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