John Lewis RIP

Trump - tear gas protesters - photo op with upside down Bible in front of church.
Check mate clown
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Could you post a picture of Trump firing a Tear gas canister? And please get your facts straight the entourage was facing Rioter/Criminals who refused to disperse on LEO Commands.

If you are going to make an issue about keeping facts straight I refuse to do that until fat donnie starts doing so. Another clown checkmated.
Trump refused to pay respects to John Lewis when he laid in state right up the street from the WH. How petty is that??
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Trump refused to pay respects to John Lewis when he laid in state right up the street from the WH. How petty is that??

It's nothing new for Democrats to use death as a vehicle to jump into the debate over politics. Remember when GW Bush was the scourge of the earth? Now he's a great human being, and his speech was good about how John Lewis made this country a better place.

Bill Clinton's speech was a vague description of how the Stokely Carmichaels tactics differed from John Lewis's tactic of peaceful protesting and who eventually prevailed. This of course made all the leftist mad.

BUT the real politicization was reserved for Barry. Which is a reminder of why DJT became President.

Obama is the used car salesman that speaks well in a really nice suit, DJT is the used car salesman in a checkered plaid suit that is loud and obnoxious.
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Trump refused to pay respects to John Lewis when he laid in state right up the street from the WH. How petty is that??

John Lewis refused to attend Agent Orange's inauguration when it was right up the street from the WH. How petty is that?

You would hope that both could rise above their differences to meet somewhere near the middle but no.

2-way street Mr. Kid.
Cardiac Kasky Kid...Biden draft dodger and POS politician never done shyte in 50 years dumb as a rock and now trying to find a place to take a leak in the corner of round room they locked him in. Smoke another pack good for ur ticker
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It's nothing new for Democrats to use death as a vehicle to jump into the debate over politics. Remember when GW Bush was the scourge of the earth? Now he's a great human being, and his speech was good about how John Lewis made this country a better place.

Bill Clinton's speech was a vague description of how the Stokely Carmichaels tactics differed from John Lewis's tactic of peaceful protesting and who eventually prevailed. This of course made all the leftist mad.

BUT the real politicization was reserved for Barry. Which is a reminder of why DJT became President.

Obama is the used car salesman that speaks well in a really nice suit, DJT is the used car salesman in a checkered plaid suit that is loud and obnoxious.
Obama was not running against Trump. If he had been it would have been NO contest.
Obama was not running against Trump. If he had been it would have been NO contest.

How did Trump become President? The big bang known as DJT didn't start with him, it started with Barry.

The media Gaslit Obama for 8 long years pretending he was eminent statesman and unifying figure, when in fact he was seeking to divide in extraordinary ways.

George W, Bush was much more unifying than BO.

BO was innately political from the Chicago political machine while simultaneously throwing out platitudes about red and blue states.

Trump is just a continuation of BO. Proof positive in how he jumped in with both feet at a Memorial event. What an egregious display classlessness.

He claimed Federal Agents are the same as Bull Connor. That Derek Chauvin is a legacy of American brutality.

That George Wallace lives on? To which somebody should point out the last active person still working in politics who worked with those rednecks is Joe Biden.
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Trump won because most Americans could not stand HIllary.

BIden will win because most Americans cannot stand Trump.
Trump won because most Americans could not stand HIllary.

BIden will win because most Americans cannot stand Trump.
False. Trump won because people were sick and tired of what BO/Biden failed to do in 8 years and they knew Hilary would continue on with that 8 years. That’s why Trump is here and will be again.

This is exactly what is wrong with how you vote, even though you didn’t vote 16 but b*tch and complain about who the president is now. You base your vote off of who the person is and not what they want to do and what their policies are. You’re solely voting for Biden because you hate trump. Not because Biden’s policies are any better, because btw you have completely and utterly failed to talk about Biden’s policies. I started a thread a while back trying to debate policy for policy and you are absent from it. Why? Because you just hate Trump.

That’s your right to vote that way. But it’s a horrible way to go about it. That’s why we had BO/Biden for 8 years. BO can sounds great during a presser. But sit him in the Oval Office with world leaders and he crumbled like a leaf.
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False. Trump won because people were sick and tired of what BO/Biden failed to do in 8 years and they knew Hilary would continue on with that 8 years. That’s why Trump is here and will be again.

This is exactly what is wrong with how you vote, even though you didn’t vote 16 but b*tch and complain about who the president is now. You base your vote off of who the person is and not what they want to do and what their policies are. You’re solely voting for Biden because you hate trump. Not because Biden’s policies are any better, because btw you have completely and utterly failed to talk about Biden’s policies. I started a thread a while back trying to debate policy for policy and you are absent from it. Why? Because you just hate Trump.

That’s your right to vote that way. But it’s a horrible way to go about it. That’s why we had BO/Biden for 8 years. BO can sounds great during a presser. But sit him in the Oval Office with world leaders and he crumbled like a leaf.

I'm not alone. I have family and friends who have traditionally voted Rep and voted for Trump that are going to vote for Biden for one reason only - they cannot take any more of the egomaniac, narcissistic, lying, drama-filled reality show that is DJT!!
Trump refused to pay respects to John Lewis when he laid in state right up the street from the WH. How petty is that??

Trump clearly didn't care for Mr. Lewis and Mr.Lewis clearly didn't care for Trump....Trump did the honorable thing and stayed away and didn't upstage his Death or use it in a Political way.

But you know the Left can't even see that, if he had attended then they would of called him a grand stander, since he didn't he is a arsehole who didn't pay respects.
I'm not alone. I have family and friends who have traditionally voted Rep and voted for Trump that are going to vote for Biden for one reason only - they cannot take any more of the egomaniac, narcissistic, lying, drama-filled reality show that is DJT!!

And I know 14 people who voted for Hillary are Dem's and are voting for Trump because Biden comes across as confused, now has adopted Bernie and AOC policies and the Left is Supporting Commie actions with the on going Riots and Looting. So your point is....small sample size in both accounts.
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Trump won because most Americans could not stand HIllary.

BIden will win because most Americans cannot stand Trump.

That is a opinion.....not a fact. While Most polls have Biden in the lead. There is one Demographic that Polls have a hard time reaching....White conservatives, both High School educated and Many College educated. Most Polls freely admit that is a bug a Boo in their system.

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