Jeb announces plan to announce his announcement date.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2002
Rick Perry is in. The list keeps growing. Who will make the debate cut?
If Jeb falls by the wayside, it could really be an exciting/intriguing race.
Now if we could just find someone to defeat MS Clinton for the Dem. nominee
Think of all the 60 somethings and retreads who are going to get their last paychecks from these campaigns. Have some compassion!!!
Money isn't everything. See Gingrich.

The polling data (unfavorables) on Jeb are a lot higher than they were on Romney, suggesting his ability to win a plurality of the Republican voters is lower than we might think.
Money isn't everything. See Gingrich.

The polling data (unfavorables) on Jeb are a lot higher than they were on Romney, suggesting his ability to win a plurality of the Republican voters is lower than we might think.

Gingrich had problems that no amount of money in the world could fix. That's not Jeb's problem. Jeb's problem is he's GWB's brother. I also don't think he's handled this part of his campaign particularly well. He wanted to be above the fray as the inevitable nominee, and that's clearly not going to be the case. I might be proven wrong, but I think when the dust settles Jeb is going to emerge as the comfortable nominee.
I was more convinced of that 3 months ago than I am now. I think he has a bigger weakness than I expected.

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