Jackie Robinson was a repub. Until he wasnt

Bahahahahaha. We know you don’t care. The parties switched roles in the 60s and you people are still denying your racism.
Both parties are split right now. Reps have the Trumpers and the RNC establishment, the Dems have the West Coast/NYC libs and the moderate Dems.
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Quaidd, are you sure you were banned, or put in Mosports "detention"? I'm on your side if you were put in detention solely for an opinion. Nobody likes a snitch. Did you use profanity or threaten anyone?

About 20 yrs ago I got banned for profanity, back in the day when the football and basketball boards were vicious!!. Tried for yrs from same work email address but always rejected. I rejoined 2 yrs ago when I finally got home internet.
How is your Biden doing as President? Your Biden is struggling badly on many scorecards. Your excuses for your Biden only go so far. Own your Biden.
Can never take away that he fairly and squarely put a historic beatdown on your godking.

Man that has to hurt.

Biden is so bad he made America's inflation contagious.

Damn. The crickets are so loud…….
HMMM to pass the civil rights legislation of the 60's some rep. had to be for it. And Nixon even did a Eulogy for Whitney Young. The true driving force behind the Civil rights movement and actually getting legislation and policy changed within the System. Nixon and Young had a very surprising relationship and agreed on Equality.

But I guess Yahoo and Jackie Robinson get to write history regardless of the Documented truth.

I get it the Democratic party blew smoke up the arse of the Black Voters in that era as they have done for years and years ever since...making insane promises and of course funneling billions in Welfare benefits to pacify and placate them and that course of action has been a abject failure by every metric and measure. This is still going on today but now the new cry for action is Equity not Equality ......and of course blaming the the Republican party for some how holding back minorities...when in fact it is 100% illegal to discriminate on the bases of Race.
And without the Dems, no civil rights legislation would ever get passed. Has it worked out great? No, but without it, blacks would be stuck in 1960 Alabama.

The greatest failure is the welfare system that destroyed the black family unit. I don't recall the exact numbers but approximately - in 1960 30% of black children were born in one parent households, today 70% of black children are born in one parent households.
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And without the Dems, no civil rights legislation would ever get passed. Has it worked out great? No, but without it, blacks would be stuck in 1960 Alabama.

The greatest failure is the welfare system that destroyed the black family unit. I don't recall the exact numbers but approximately - in 1960 30% of black children were born in one parent households, today 70% of black children are born in one parent households.
meanwhile that welfare system has made certain segments of our society filthy rich.

Namely big farmers. That's why food stamps are in the farm bill.

Farm welfare baby.

Under trump there was at least one year where gubmint paid farmers more than their product.

That is welfare and maybe communism.
How is your Biden doing as President? Your Biden is struggling badly on many scorecards. Your excuses for your Biden only go so far. Own your Biden.
I didn't vote for Biden.

Poor old fool got left a mess and can't figure it out.

Although trump burned it all down on the way out so not sure what he can do.
Well then maybe don't refer to him as "my" Trump. You speak out of your backside way too much. In the meantime, the big "gubmint" problem has been a two party deal forever. If nothing else, we had good jobs, wages, low inflation, and no wars with Trump. The other problems you ignorantly attribute to him have been in a place by the same powers that have been implementing them for generations - and it ain't the figurehead in the WH. Including your Biden.
Trump wanted more stimmy from gubmint so inflation would be even worse. Mnuchin knew what was going to happen.

BIg gubmint is indeed an issue. Funny how it's always GOP presidents that run up the deficit more. (Them's the facts).

"Reagan proved deficits don't matter"
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And the president has an agenda requiring legislation and makes spending proposals. Do you remember "The Wall"? Oh, wait, Mexico paid for the wall!! 😝
What is the crisis? Spell it out.

The GOP’s hyped-up “border crisis” is simply the latest stage in a long-term process of exaggerating the impact of unauthorized immigration. Undocumented U.S. residents only make up 3 percent of the country’s population, and the number has been declining since 2007. Nevertheless, U.S. adults rank immigration as the second most important problem facing the U.S., according to a July 1 Ipsos poll.

Undocumented immigrants aren’t actually a problem, but the Republican Party has framed them “as criminals and lawbreakers and a grave threat to the nation in order to motivate and mobilize the Republican base, to great effect,” Massey told Truthout. Up until now, the Democrats have failed to push back, he added. They “have sought to placate conservatives by agreeing to boost border enforcement and internal deportations in hopes that the Republicans will move toward legalization for those already here.” Massey called this “a completely unrealistic expectation.”

What can be done to challenge the conservative narrative? Massey noted that “it is difficult to counteract the effect of so much misinformation and disinformation that is put into the public sphere by well-funded political and ideological actors.”
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What is not a crisis there? Spell it out.

It's a low-rent trick you lefties like to use but it's actually pathetic. Get caught grooming kindergarteners then demand to know what exactly someone thinks the definition of child rape is. Look idk what would meet your definition of "crisis" but you can debate your own straw man all night for all I care.
So you don’t know. Got it.
And without the Dems, no civil rights legislation would ever get passed. Has it worked out great? No, but without it, blacks would be stuck in 1960 Alabama.

The greatest failure is the welfare system that destroyed the black family unit. I don't recall the exact numbers but approximately - in 1960 30% of black children were born in one parent households, today 70% of black children are born in one parent households.
Who created the Welfare state? Also look at the education literacy levels pre-welfare state. And clearly Nixon a Rep. and Eisenhower a Rep. where moving forward on civil rights.
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meanwhile that welfare system has made certain segments of our society filthy rich.

Namely big farmers. That's why food stamps are in the farm bill.

Farm welfare baby.

Under trump there was at least one year where gubmint paid farmers more than their product.

That is welfare and maybe communism.
Food stamps came about as opposed to food commodities because big Grocery store entities with the help of the govt funded legal aid...sued the govt it's self under the guise that it was oppressing the poor by making them use govt cheese and such as opposed to being able to buy things at the local grocery store. That is what started all the Welfare fraud and the corruption on that end. In fact after that happened things got worse for the poor nutrition wise, it took near a decade to finally get the children fed properly under the Stamps system.
There isn’t a crisis at our border.
you just repeat nonsense. It’s a joke.

That 3% is about 11 million people.....Jee whiz the cost of education for the illegals is 9 billion dollars...What a waste of my hard earned labor to educate a non-citizen. The Feds spend around 1.2 billion housing Illegal's who commit crimes.

No crisis at all Toots says so's a joke. Now maybe to Toots is not a crisis because clearly he want's open borders and unchecked illegals moving to and fro, or he would label it a crisis.

Just secure the Border and allow entry in a well mannered Orderly fashion that adheres to the Law and all will be fine. But for some reason one side is heck bent against that idea.

Of course if you are for a secure border with actual rules then you are a racist or you are spreading misinformation...but weirdly it's not hard to look up the data.
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I've always been a "close the border" guy!! Never understood what part of "illegal" is so hard to understand. It's a drain on the economy.
Funny how it's always Dem Congresses - the ones who actually authorize spending - that run up the deficit more. Learn civics. Then learn history.
It's usually a GOP congress rubber stamping the GOP president's spending.

That money doesn't get out of the GOP senate if the GOP was fiscally responsible.

But go on with your alternate facts.
No sir. Just the facts. Many, many examples. It's also a fact that Republican Congresses - short lived thought they are - spend too much instead of cut spending like they promised on the trail. Then they always get voted out for doing so. Every Rep wave to the Senate is followed by a scalping a few years later. Dems have owned Congress probably 75% of the time since the New Deal and thus in a very simplified way own 75% of this mess. That Reps are too weak to truly challenge it means they're accessories to that crime.

don't make excuses. They sign the liberal spending bills.
Thanks for sharing but he won't get it. It took several explanations that I never used the term "crisis" or even implied it yet he still goes on. But in any case you exposed his lie.
what does this mean? You never implied their was a problem at the border? Pass the bong, bruh.

“Who in their right mind would be against securing our border better than it is now?”

It does not go up "more" under GOP. Obama years doubled it from $9T to $18T. You seem unconcerned by that so I'm gonna stay unconcerned about W's $4T or whatever Trump did. Have you seen Biden's deficits rubber stamped by a Dem. Congress?
Son you need an education.

Please read these. You deserve to overcome ignorance.
The main issue with cutting the debt is it's hard to Weed out the's near impossible. With mandatory spending it takes a feat of Atlas to cut stuff...

I posted a video in a thread a while back about this and it didn't get much action but it explains the issue. To get a true picture you have to look at what administration and who passed the mandatory spending bills......

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