"To the young people who led us this summer, telling us we need to be better -- in so many ways, you are this country's dreams fulfilled. Earlier generations had to be persuaded that everyone has equal worth. For you, it's a given -- a conviction. And what I want you to know is that for all its messiness and frustrations, your system of self-government can be harnessed to help you realize those convictions" Barack Obama DNC 2020
Barack Obama is speaking to those people looting stores, burning Government buildings, beating people unconscious, rioters, and telling them they are the realization of Democracy. He's absolutely correct.
This is not what the Democratic Republic looks like. It's a system that has a rule of law, where the majority has a voice and there are systems in place to channel people's votes into political power.
This is the Democrat's idea of the Democratic Republic. Their idea of democracy is for people to go out and terrorize people until they kowtow and funnel all the power to them.
Barack Obama is speaking to those people looting stores, burning Government buildings, beating people unconscious, rioters, and telling them they are the realization of Democracy. He's absolutely correct.
This is not what the Democratic Republic looks like. It's a system that has a rule of law, where the majority has a voice and there are systems in place to channel people's votes into political power.
This is the Democrat's idea of the Democratic Republic. Their idea of democracy is for people to go out and terrorize people until they kowtow and funnel all the power to them.