It appears Trumps " Chief of Staff " Mark Meadows has his hand in the cookie jar


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Yes, Mark Meadows Trump's chief of Staff will be investigated by " Government Watchdogs " for spending Campaign funds on personal expenditures. Theses items were purchased @ Trump-owned Establishments and paid for with Campaign funds. These items are Jewelry, Restaurants, Cupcakes and other things. It appears Trump will add one more to his long list to pardon before leaving office either in January 2021 or January 2025 if Mark is found guilty and he has chocolate stains on his hands.

Anyone working in the White House under Don Trump appear to think right and wrong does not apply to them because the Trump administration is above the law. We have a few people posting on this forum who believe the Trump group can do wrong or give them a pass on their crimes. Some will try to spin the above or will not answer this post. The 35% maybe vanishing soon with a new agenda of bashing Joe Biden if he wins the presidency. How much longer can this 35% say " Enough is Enough ".
Yes, Mark Meadows Trump's chief of Staff will be investigated by " Government Watchdogs " for spending Campaign funds on personal expenditures. Theses items were purchased @ Trump-owned Establishments and paid for with Campaign funds. These items are Jewelry, Restaurants, Cupcakes and other things. It appears Trump will add one more to his long list to pardon before leaving office either in January 2021 or January 2025 if Mark is found guilty and he has chocolate stains on his hands.

Anyone working in the White House under Don Trump appear to think right and wrong does not apply to them because the Trump administration is above the law. We have a few people posting on this forum who believe the Trump group can do wrong or give them a pass on their crimes. Some will try to spin the above or will not answer this post. The 35% maybe vanishing soon with a new agenda of bashing Joe Biden if he wins the presidency. How much longer can this 35% say " Enough is Enough ".
You know about 90% of what you post on here makes absolutily no sense at all
You know about 90% of what you post on here makes absolutily no sense at all
Angel, does stealing Campaign funds for your own personal use make sense to you? You may not be aware that is illegal. Trump has another person in his circle in jail for spending campaign Funds. Angel, can you post on here that person's name?

Mark Meadows joined the White House staff back in March, 2020. It appears Mark Meadows knew working for Trump can be rewarding and the quick learning Mark Meadows went to work on the those " Campaign Funds " immediately. It appears to me, Mark Meadows knew these Trump positions can be short lived so fast action was important.
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Angel, does stealing Campaign funds for your own personal use make sense to you? You may not be aware that is illegal. Trump has another person in his circle in jail for spending campaign Funds. Angel, can you post on here that person's name?

Mark Meadows joined the White House staff back in March, 2020. It appears Mark Meadows know working for Trump can be rewarding and the quick learning Mark Meadows went to work on the those " Campaign Funds " immediately. It appears to me, Mark Meadows knew these Trump positions can be short lived so fast action was important.
I was in Error it must be at least 95% bs
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Reactions: Chris Gardner
Me triggered??? He is the one posting half of War and Peace full of pure stupidity like it’s actually true

Angel Dude, Every word of the above post is true concerning Mark Meadows. Angel, you are a great poster, everyone on this board enjoys your post but trying to defend Don Trump is near impossible. The worlds greatest scholars would be to a big disadvantage as you are. Please do your homework and see how Mark Meadows made fast work of Trumps " Campaign Funds " and made purchases @ Trumps properties.
What do the leftist fact check sites say about this revelation?

All right, I will give you the name of the Trump's Dude who is in prison for using Campaign funds similar to Mark Meadows. His name is Republican Duncan Hunter from California who is serving 11 months in jail for his crimes. Duncan Hunter's wife who was in on the thief will be sentenced In April.

Any guess on how much time in jail Mark Meadows will receive if Thump does not Pardon him?
Who ever heard of putting cupcakes in a cookie jar?

Arcola, That is a great answer for an undisputable question. Arcola, could you do a follow up on the ' Non-Scalable fence around the White House? Rumors are Trump will protest the election if Biden wins and he did not want any of the hate groups burning his hotel. ( Reason for moving to the White House ) Trump will be safer @ the White House in case their are problems.
It appears the National Guard will be on duty to protect Trump and his family, if needed.
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Metro-dude lost all of his credibility on the basketball board, so he is over here trying out for Hillary's 2024 Presidential Campaign Team.

Dude, are you on board with Mark Meadows stealing money from Trumps Campaign funds and spending it @ Trumps Properties for personal Items? I'm guessing you agree with stealing if you don't answer the Mark Meadows situation.
Where is Hunter? And where are you getting your stories from? I haven't heard any of this "news". And....the Communist News Network is not an acceptable answer.
Are you referring to Duncan Hunter, he is in jail for eleven months. His wife will go to jail soon. if you want to fact check Duncan Hunter, type in Duncan Hunter and campaign theft. You can do the same with Mark Meadows.

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