Interesting how the political discussion is about


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
abortions and illegal aliens. Where is the discussion about the economy?
Could it be this President has done a better job than you want to admit?
abortions and illegal aliens. Where is the discussion about the economy?
Could it be this President has done a better job than you want to admit?


Real Americans are just tired of fake Americans and murdering babies.

The economy sucks, and you know it. Propping it up with the Feds printing money everyday and the interest rate at 0 will make it look better than it is.
Dude you are the most doom and gloom negative bastage I have ever seen. You make me look like Mary Poppins.

Real Americans are just tired of fake Americans and murdering babies.

The economy sucks, and you know it. Propping it up with the Feds printing money everyday and the interest rate at 0 will make it look better than it is.
The kind of person who is fired up about immigration and abortion hasn't voted D for President in a long time, with the exception of some who protest voted for Obama in 2008.

These are primary debates for a Republican nomination, not a shocker that they are selling their "conservative" bona fides to the base.

The Fed policy has been generally on point. The inflation worriers were dead wrong. The Fed had to act strongly on monetary policy because those holding the levers of fiscal policy were generally unwilling to do what needed to be done.

To add to this - the Fed is tasked with managing inflation and unemployment. It is their job to prop up the economy as long as it doesn't lead to high inflation. Claiming the Fed has kept the economy better off is a claim that the Fed has done what it is supposed to do. Core inflation in the US is still quite low. Job growth and wage growth remain limited. There is no reason yet for the Fed to change its focus from jobs to inflation.

When politicians whine about 0% interest rates, you can generally assume they don't understand (a) what the Fed is actually doing and (b) what the Fed is supposed to do. The Fed's job isn't to get a 2% return on a 1 year CD for a 75 year old. it is to manage inflation and unemployment.
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In other words ... A realist ?

You are the biggest sucker on this board. Once again the repubs, who had the house and the senate and the white house and did NOTHING about abortion are using abortion to get the base inflamed. You fall for this crap every time. Their actions don't match their words. SUCKER.
You are the biggest sucker on this board. Once again the repubs, who had the house and the senate and the white house and did NOTHING about abortion are using abortion to get the base inflamed. You fall for this crap every time. Their actions don't match their words. SUCKER.

One more reason I'm not a republican Duck.

Amusing you think I'm a sucker for wanting to stop murdering babies.
If you think the economy is so bad, why aren't you talking about that? Because the Republican nominees are talking about abortions and illegal aliens.
Why haven't you quit your job and devoted your entire existence to stopping abortion? Why aren't you counseling kids as we speak or slipping salt peter into the water system. You act like this is the most urgently important life or death issue on the planet yet all you do about it is whine on a sports msgboard. It's legal dude. Change the law. Whining to us does nothing.
Why haven't you quit your job and devoted your entire existence to stopping abortion? Why aren't you counseling kids as we speak or slipping salt peter into the water system. You act like this is the most urgently important life or death issue on the planet yet all you do about it is whine on a sports msgboard. It's legal dude. Change the law. Whining to us does nothing.

Why haven't you quit your job and devoted your entire existence to stopping abortion? Why aren't you counseling kids as we speak or slipping salt peter into the water system. You act like this is the most urgently important life or death issue on the planet yet all you do about it is whine on a sports msgboard. It's legal dude. Change the law. Whining to us does nothing.

To the babies being aborted, it is the "most urgently important life or death issue".

Furthermore, you don't know what I do to advocate for this cause.

And I am trying to change the law, one way is to try to get as many Godless politicians out of office as I can.
Make sure you don't vote for Ben Carson. He did more to aborted Fetuses than all of us put together. Or is that ok, because he doesn't want to raise your taxes?
Make sure you don't vote for Ben Carson. He did more to aborted Fetuses than all of us put together. Or is that ok, because he doesn't want to raise your taxes?

When the time comes, I will vote for the candidate that has the value system that is closest to mine. Probably not going to have the best choices, but when have we?
If you oppose hunting should you not eat a deer killed in a car collision?
Doing research on a baby that is already dead does not equal killing babies in any way.
Back to the OP.
When all the questions and news clips are about things other than the economy, it's hard to make a point about the economy. How many R candidate rallys have you been to? How do you know they aren't talking mostly about the economy?
If you oppose hunting should you not eat a deer killed in a car collision?
Doing research on a baby that is already dead does not equal killing babies in any way.
Philosophically I see the point but also a lot of prolife people find stem cell and fetal research to be wrong.

I don't really disagree but some people do.
Philosophically I see the point but also a lot of prolife people find stem cell and fetal research to be wrong.

I don't really disagree but some people do.

I have no problem with research on cadavers, or stillborns.

To do research on people you killed is a little different.
It's not like dr Carson killed them. Which is miller's point.

You are making my point quite well - there is still something unseemly in the eyes of many in performing research on fetuses.

Personally I think it's totally subjective but l think there is societal value in the research that I can't ignore.

Real Americans are just tired of fake Americans and murdering babies.

The economy sucks, and you know it. Propping it up with the Feds printing money everyday and the interest rate at 0 will make it look better than it is.
Question: do you know what the purpose of the Fed is?
The kind of person who is fired up about immigration and abortion hasn't voted D for President in a long time, with the exception of some who protest voted for Obama in 2008.

These are primary debates for a Republican nomination, not a shocker that they are selling their "conservative" bona fides to the base.

The Fed policy has been generally on point. The inflation worriers were dead wrong. The Fed had to act strongly on monetary policy because those holding the levers of fiscal policy were generally unwilling to do what needed to be done.

To add to this - the Fed is tasked with managing inflation and unemployment. It is their job to prop up the economy as long as it doesn't lead to high inflation. Claiming the Fed has kept the economy better off is a claim that the Fed has done what it is supposed to do. Core inflation in the US is still quite low. Job growth and wage growth remain limited. There is no reason yet for the Fed to change its focus from jobs to inflation.

When politicians whine about 0% interest rates, you can generally assume they don't understand (a) what the Fed is actually doing and (b) what the Fed is supposed to do. The Fed's job isn't to get a 2% return on a 1 year CD for a 75 year old. it is to manage inflation and unemployment.

So quanititative easing is your answer?
We do not trust your numbers, all Democrats.

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