In case you forgot

Orchestrated by William Barr. Witch hunt. Hoax.
I just read part of the IG report on this and it has stuff for both sides to grab on to. Trump will crow he was right all along but the report does NOT claim any wrong doing by the top FBI folks, like Comey. It said there were a couple of low level agents that did not do some things in the right way and I think one would be referred to the justice department for charges, I think he is the one that changed an email about something. There is no smoking gun issue there yet and there is more to come from the report.
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couple of low level agents that did not do some things in the right way and I think one would be referred to the justice department for charges, I think he is the one that changed an email about something. There is no smoking gun issue there yet and there is more to come from the report.
Correct. It is not Comey. The rest of the info published in WaPO and NYT from a UIS is false. It's not your fault sir. It's fake news. We are screwed.
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I just read part of the IG report on this and it has stuff for both sides to grab on to. Trump will crow he was right all along but the report does NOT claim any wrong doing by the top FBI folks, like Comey. It said there were a couple of low level agents that did not do some things in the right way and I think one would be referred to the justice department for charges, I think he is the one that changed an email about something. There is no smoking gun issue there yet and there is more to come from the report.
I have a correction the guy was not an FBI agent, he was an FBI lawyer.
How did you get a copy of the IG report?
He has inside information dude

So a FBI lawyer falsified data included in a FISA warrant application in order to spy on people in the Trump campaign and that’s not a big deal????

Bigger deal than Russians trying to influence an election is when our FBI is found to have done it
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He has inside information dude

So a FBI lawyer falsified data included in a FISA warrant application in order to spy on people in the Trump campaign and that’s not a big deal????

Bigger deal than Russians trying to influence an election is when our FBI is found to have done it
It's just crazy that these actual crimes and abhorrent behaviors are brushed off by the left while screaming at the top of their lungs about things that are unfounded, undefined, and innocuous. I understand politics but there is also reality.
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He has inside information dude

So a FBI lawyer falsified data included in a FISA warrant application in order to spy on people in the Trump campaign and that’s not a big deal????

Bigger deal than Russians trying to influence an election is when our FBI is found to have done it
It said what the lawyer did was not a game changer as to whether or not they got the FISA warrant but go ahead and jump at any straw you can.

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