If teams schedule a " Mary had a little lamb "schedule, should they be ranked


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
Most high school fans do not care about polls unless their teams are ranked. Most of our teams very seldom get recognition for their accomplishments. Ranking and polls are a way of recognizing accomplishments for a few.

Some teams play a weak schedule, run up big records with no big wins to compare with teams who play a " Pit Bull schedule ". Some pollsters are polling on reputation votes without seeing team play and it's near impossible to see everyone play.

I usually don't get to excited about our top rated teams who do not have ' Marquee Wins " to their credit.

I have gotta ask the question? Would you vote a team into the top ten in Missouri who play a " Little sisters of the poor schedule " with no marquee wins?
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Rankings don't mean a lot when it comes to playoff time.

Mo and others, name a coach, a fan, a parent, school administrators or anyone else who would not enjoy seeing their team ranked? Some coaches use ranking as a tool for advancing into new positions.
Ranking are for nothing but to look at , just win when the playoff starts and the rankings will take care or itself
Reputation goes a long way into carrying early rankings, most of it is well deserved and earned. Some schools cannot help but play a weak schedule because their conference may be weak. Very few, like Walnut Grove (C1, #2), Kickapoo (C5, #4), and others schedule up outside conference. Also many get locked into two or four year contracts with schools. With high school teams, teams can change drastically from year to year. Scheduling is tough, and some can't afford to get out of tournaments that are weak once they are locked into it for a year.
Reputation goes a long way into carrying early rankings, most of it is well deserved and earned. Some schools cannot help but play a weak schedule because their conference may be weak. Very few, like Walnut Grove (C1, #2), Kickapoo (C5, #4), and others schedule up outside conference. Also many get locked into two or four year contracts with schools. With high school teams, teams can change drastically from year to year. Scheduling is tough, and some can't afford to get out of tournaments that are weak once they are locked into it for a year.

Usually high school contracts are for two years. Sometimes these contracts have a $ 100.00 fee if they are broken however no high school would hold another school back if something big came up, like getting invited to " The Tournament of Champions in Springfield. " or the Meramec Christmas in St. Louis. Most AD across Missouri work with each other and if they don't, they are in the wrong business.

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