I thought CBS, NBC and ABC


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2002
were supposed to be liberal rags in the pocket of Obama. Two of the three are not carrying his big speech on immigration reform tomorrow night.

This post was edited on 11/19 9:59 PM by 3Rfan
I can't remember if they said ABC was going to carry it or not. Not sure why the any of them are not carrying it. The republican response should be a big draw, it might be pretty funny.
ABC definitely wasn't. Thursday is a big night for them. Scandal is pretty awesome. Fairly accurate depiction of the Republican party.
Since when do the networks NOT carry a BIG policy speech by any president?
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
Since when do the networks NOT carry a BIG policy speech by any president?
Since everybody started flipping to the cable as soon as the speech started.
That hasn't stopped them any other time I know of. They didn't carry one of HW's speeches because they said it was just going to be a campaign ad for free, not a real policy speech. I'm pretty sure this had to something to with policy.