You ain't kidding! The report the DA gave was pretty harsh on the school, even they were not charged or anything. I don't know how they could have let the kid go back to class after the drawings he had on him that morning.
Why they didn't check his bag for a weapon is also beyond me.
Weak administration.
I think adults...the parents, the school administration tend to give Children the benefit of the doubt. Working in the field we see this type of stuff ad nauseum and most of it is just attention seeking behavior and never amounts to a hill of beans, this stuff is all the rage today, as is the transgender bug and cutters and self mutilators was popular as well in the recent past.
Now We can usually spot the posers from a mile away, but we also take every threat as serious because we want to error on the side of caution. But that is our field of expertise. And our facility depends upon us not being incorrect.
Training for Teachers or Parents is not going to really have a large effect. They would have to basically have two careers to deal with these issues. I was not in the meeting with the Parents, the Administration and the Kid. So I'm a bit hesitant to judge from a DA report. Unless we get full on audio of the encounter and what went on, it might be premature to rush to judgement.
People tend to like to play the blame game, and to assume that horrific things can be prevented, that is usually not the case when you have a extremely motivated person prone to violence. They almost always find away.
I can give you one example that happened about a decade ago of how motivated violent people find away. We had a child under 11 years of age brought in and he was a sick individual. Now he could be cheery and charming clearly he fit the definition of a Psychopath, but underneath he was what most lay people would deem truly evil, our Psychiatrist, Psychologist's and other treatment team begged the parents and Social Services to put him in a long term facility.
We knew at that young age he was capable of doing really bad things. Our advice was not heeded and in fact rejected and not believed by his parents and most outside professionals. It's hard to see true side of a child behind the masks they can put on.
Well needless to say in about 3 months we saw a report on TV that a Child had shot his brother and killed him with the neighbors gun....we knew instantly who it was. 7-10 hours later he was back on the Unit. All cheery and not showing one ounce or remorse. He smiled at me and the first thing he said to me....if I make levels in 3 days do I get to play the video games and get ice cream!!!!
Kid had just shot his younger brother and killed him, I sat him down and told him sure you follow the treatment and earn levels you get the reward. Then I asked him to tell me about his day and he was happy to do so. He relayed to me how him and his brother had played in a field and how he had snuck in his neighbors house found a gun and just wondered what it would be like to kill someone so he just killed his brother. I asked him how it felt to kill his brother, he said made him sad and he was sorry, I didn't believe him at all, his body language and actions didn't show any signs of shock, remorse or repression. He was just repeating to me what He thought I wanted to hear.
People like this tend to find away. People don't want to believe that broken people capable of great evil exist or that it's not their fault something turned them that way and they can be fixed. That is a bigger lie than the Loch Ness monster.