You give guys like this to much credit....and so what if it does? It's their choice and right to do so.
The people who I know...small sample size tend to show me things like these two studies when they give reasons for not vaxing....
Employers that encourage or require workers to get vaccinated against the coronavirus must carefully navigate legal requirements and government recommendations—but the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently gave employers a break.
I will say's a bit strange that OSHA is not going to collect or follow up on Data from Vax reactions. Why would they sweep reactions under the rug.
And also a UK study finds that naturally developed immunity is equal to the I'm sure many non-vaxers have had the virus and developed natural immunity. That is just how the science works
Scientists are still recommending people get vaccinated even if they have been previously infected.
So the question you have to ask yourself if the Data and clearly the data and facts show that Natural immunity is as effective as the Vax, then why are the powers in charge pushing so hard for mandated vax's......I'm sure Big Pharm and Gov. $$$ has nothing to do with it. And burying the vax reaction data is just Normal operations for the Occupational,Safety,Health Administration!!
It's things like this that the anti-vaxers look at more so that the fringe crazy stuff. Sure CNN/MSNBC/NYT etc. like to skew the narrative and make it seem like those who don't vax are all Tin Foil hat wearing nuts. But that is not the case. But it makes for great click bait.