I’ve never voted for a convicted felon.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2020
My judgment is good. My conscience is clean. My opinion is worth listening to. How about you?

FYI, both sides are NOT the same.
Laugh now Tootsie. The charges won't stick. The bias judge is a huge Democrat contributor. They just got Trump elected. I've watched video after video and here is the overwhelming voice of the commenters:

"I haven’t voted in 8 years. I’m not a political person. Until watching the pipelines close ,raising taxes and inflation. I’m definitely voting republican. I don’t care about a porn star or an irrelevant perjurer who has no credibility. I’m voting red."
"The real crime is New York spent 762 million on a failed case."
"Never voted before. But i will now"
"It’s disgusting"
"An appeal will expose their corruption."
“I did not leave the Democrat party. The democrat party left me”. I’ll be voting in November."
"It's pathetic that these people choose their hatred for Trump over justice and our country."
On and on and on like this. Oh, and this sums it up.

Don't be naive. The judge has a huge impact on the trial. His bias is obvious. He's given huge donations to the Democratic party. The DA is the one that brought charges against someone that he would never have if it wasn't Trump. He received campaign funds from a Soros backed entity. Soros is openly anti-American and hates Trump. This is the same DA that allows criminals to go free on a massive scale. And the jury....fair for Trump in NYC??? Come on. Let's put Biden and his son on trial with 12 jurors from SW Missouri and see if the libs think the verdict would be fair.
To be clear, this was not about paying hush money. It was about alleged misdemeanor record violations from a decade ago. Charges that have been excessively inflated because it's Trump. The Democrats, including Biden and his staff, have gone after Trump over and over all the while crack head Hunter Biden receives millions of dollars from countries that daddy Joe does favors for. It's a pathetic show of our justice system and if the tables were turned every woke liberal would be saying the same thing. Well, not exactly the same thing. They'd be doing it with with emotional crying on every liberal news media and with the building burning protests.
Don't be naive. The judge has a huge impact on the trial. His bias is obvious. He's given huge donations to the Democratic party. The DA is the one that brought charges against someone that he would never have if it wasn't Trump. He received campaign funds from a Soros backed entity. Soros is openly anti-American and hates Trump. This is the same DA that allows criminals to go free on a massive scale. And the jury....fair for Trump in NYC??? Come on. Let's put Biden and his son on trial with 12 jurors from SW Missouri and see if the libs think the verdict would be fair.
To be clear, this was not about paying hush money. It was about alleged misdemeanor record violations from a decade ago. Charges that have been excessively inflated because it's Trump. The Democrats, including Biden and his staff, have gone after Trump over and over all the while crack head Hunter Biden receives millions of dollars from countries that daddy Joe does favors for. It's a pathetic show of our justice system and if the tables were turned every woke liberal would be saying the same thing. Well, not exactly the same thing. They'd be doing it with with emotional crying on every liberal news media and with the building burning protests.
How much has Merchan donated? I want to know this huge number.

Thank you.


It's 35 dollars.
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This is a simple explanation. I don’t think other presidents have done this. I could be wrong.

What's comical, Petey, is you're defending a man who banged a porn star while his wife was pregnant, paid her hush money, and cooked the books trying to hide it, and yet you and your cult of self proclaimed morally superior Republicans make the perpetual victim Con Man Don the victim once again, even though he did everything he was accused of doing.

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