Union HS is looking to hire a HS Assistant Boys Coach for 21-21. Due to retirements, there are several teaching positions open in the district including MS PE, HS and MS Social Studies, HS and MS Math, HS At-Risk, HS Business, Elem. Teaching positions. Additional coaching openings are available. New hires are allowed to bring in up to 21 years of teaching and coaching experience on the pay scale.
Applications are available at https://unionrxi.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
Contact Head Basketball Coach Chris Simmons- simmonsc@unionrxi.org or AD Dan Ridgeway - ridgewayd@unionrxi.org if you have any questions.
Applications are available at https://unionrxi.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx
Contact Head Basketball Coach Chris Simmons- simmonsc@unionrxi.org or AD Dan Ridgeway - ridgewayd@unionrxi.org if you have any questions.