how do you get into a conference?


Active Member
Nov 11, 2004
I don't know if this is the correct forum to post on, but I'm wondering what is the "secret" to getting into a conference? And why (sorry if this question has an obvious answer) would a conference not want another school in if there is room? And I'm not talking about a school that has nothing to offer, in terms of facilities, well developed programs, etc.

That's all, and thanks if anyone can give me some info.
The only answer I can give to the first post is that you would need to send a formal request letter to all schools involved, and especially any type of Executive Committee that the conference has. I know that our conference has had at least three or four such requests in the past 4 years, but our by-laws actually have a cap number that is met. We are currently working to up-date them.......

As for Trenton......most people know how I feel. I still say Brookfield, Trenton, Lexington, Carrollton, and then possibly Westran, Marceline, &/or Higginsville would be a good mix........but starting a new one would be even tougher.......
Starting a conference wouldn't be so bad if we were in one to begin with. That would be a good conference we just need some more folks on the wagon with us.
Thanks for your information. We have done what you suggested. I suppose the hard pill to swallow is that we were not "voted" in. Even though I'm an adult, there's something about being rejected. I don't want to get into specifics on this board, but I think sometimes it has to do with jealousy. Please don't get me wrong and take this the wrong way, but unfortunately, it kind of goes back to the premise that if you might be decent, might be good, might come in brand new and beat some of the original teams, then, don't take them in the conference. Am I making too much out of this?

Thanks again, for letting me vent!
not knowing your situation makes it hard for me to comment.....however, I will say this based on conference talk in my area (especially with the MRVC), and other areas of my community that I am involved with I think it becomes tough for some to simply make a change.....the fear of the unknown if you know what I mean (or they are too stubborn for change).

A great saying I got from a former co-worker who use to coach...then re-applied for the same position he was asked to step down from....said, "I am in love with a ghost." I think that is true with a lot of people that refuse to see future benefits compared to how things use to be...
Thanks for you input and information. I appreciate it. We'll see what happens, although I know for next year, it's too late.

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