How Biden Could Be the Most Liberal President Ever

So far left that he is having Klobachar vetted for VP. She was probably the least liberal of all the candidates in the early going.

The fact that he is insisting on having a female VP speaks to how liberal he will be.

Vetting is not selecting.

Disregarding men, regardless of qualification, is straight out of the Obama identity politics playbook.

And it'll backfire. Especially if he goes full bore SJW and selects Kamala or Stacy Abrams.
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Vetting isn't a selection.

If she's most qualified out of 330000000 people I'll eat my shoe.
The fact that is even considering her should tell you ain't goin off the liberal deep end.
I'll be sure to tell him he needs to give you a call, I'm sure there is NO one more qualified and you could keep him in line on policy. :rolleyes:
The fact that is even considering her should tell you ain't goin off the liberal deep end.
I'll be sure to tell him he needs to give you a call, I'm sure there is NO one more qualified and you could keep him in line on policy. :rolleyes:

The fact is that Biden isn't doing the considering, his minders do the thinking and he wouldn't have a say even if he had his wits about him.

Klobuchar is just a head fake, any names being released or leaked are just for the purpose of seeing what kind of buzz they develop. They know if they don't choose a sufficiently woke identity politics-approved leftist to spice up demented China Joe that they have no chance of bringing in the socialist-leaning Berniebots into the tent.
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Klobuchar would be a great pick - a Midwestern moderate who would pull in many independents as well as boost the already huge Biden lead among women. Shrewd move, Joe. You can smell the repubs desperation in the air!!
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Klobuchar would be a great pick - a Midwestern moderate who would pull in many independents as well as boost the already huge Biden lead among women. Shrewd move, Joe. You can smell the repubs desperation in the air!!

The DNC can't get out of it's own way on identity politics. It'll be Stacy Abrams or Kamala. Got to hit all the intersectional points possible.
Middle school twitter boy trumpy is sinking like the Edmund Fitzgerald.


#BidenIsRacist and #YouAintBlack are both trending on Twitter right now.

Meanwhile under Trump
-record low black unemployment
-lowest black poverty rate in history
-increased more funding to Historically Black Colleges than any president in history

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