Honest question



Is there actually anybody that thinks Nancy is in full control of her faculties? The fact that this woman is in a position of power just boggles the mind
Not any more than Dick Cheney being where he was. That man would absolutely destroy the world if he had the power to make decisions on war and peace.

This post was edited on 9/13 9:26 PM by 3Rfan
I believe she is simply a reflection of the Left while Dick Cheney is the same to the Right.
And we wonder why we don't get along...
Originally posted by ag-man:

Is there actually anybody that thinks Nancy is in full control of her faculties? The fact that this woman is in a position of power just boggles the mind
You can say that with a straight face? Wasn't it you party that placed Sarah Palin in nomination just one heart beat from the presidency?
And what is my party Hannibal ?

Sarah is dumber than a box of rocks, has no business in politics, needs to go to Wasilla and fry something. The sad part about that is the fact that she was a better choice than what we have now.

When our choice is "dumb and dumber" who do you choose ?
Originally posted by ag-man:
And what is my party Hannibal ?

Sarah is dumber than a box of rocks, has no business in politics, needs to go to Wasilla and fry something. The sad part about that is the fact that she was a better choice than what we have now.

When our choice is "dumb and dumber" who do you choose ?
You chose GOP.

Scout, Cheney is NOT a reflection of any party that I know of. Who do you know on the right that wants Cheney to be their spokesman on anything this close to an election?
I reluctantly chose for poor leadership, which was better than no leadership, which is what we have. Anybody that will admit they voted for Obama and then come on here and try to act superior has already told everyone what they need to know.

Absolutely worst president in the history of America, hands down!! Ask the democrats running for reelection that are trying to distance themselves from him and his policies.

I am an independent that has voted democrat and republican based on who I thought would do the best job but I will say the blind allegiance to Obama baffles me. I come from a long line of democrats but I am starting to believe they are sheep, stupid sheep for swallowing the swill their party is feeding them.
Just curious, what does Dick Cheney or Sarah Palin have to do with Nancy Pelosis' sanity or lack thereof.
Dick was also in a position of power, an unusual amount of power for VP and I don't know anyone that doesn't think he's crazy and wants a war anywhere he can find one, or two or three. Palin was on the ballot with McCain and many people supported that that ticket. Pelosi was elected by a district in California and somehow built a power base in congress. I had no vote in either case. Millions of people had a vote on Cheney and Palin. Like I said NO one votes for ticket because of who the VP is on that ticket so it really doesn't matter but there is not enough thought going into that choice many times.
Originally posted by 3Rfan:
Dick was also in a position of power, an unusual amount of power for VP and I don't know anyone that doesn't think he's crazy and wants a war anywhere he can find one, or two or three. Palin was on the ballot with McCain and many people supported that that ticket. Pelosi was elected by a district in California and somehow built a power base in congress. I had no vote in either case. Millions of people had a vote on Cheney and Palin. Like I said NO one votes for ticket because of who the VP is on that ticket so it really doesn't matter but there is not enough thought going into that choice many times.
Cheney wanted any war he wouldn't have to fight in.

How any man could vote for him and look themselves in the mirror is mind boggling
58,000+ was the number of deaths in the Vietnam War.
For over half that time a Democrat was in power.

History is not always pretty....move on.
618,000 killed in the American Civil War with Republican President in Lincoln!!

Let's see? Terrorists based out of Afghanistan attack America and fly planes into the World Trade Center. President Bush has a brilliant thought, "I know. Let's invade Iraq and look for weapons of mass destruction. That would be good strategery!"

And Ag-man have the audacity to claim Obama is the worst president in history.
This post was edited on 9/14 2:33 PM by Bogey Man
Don't know about Obama being the worst president in history but I think you may be the worst poster.
The Civil War, really?

This folks is someone who loves their Party...

Congratulation, you win...
I'm glad he's on your side.
You should be proud.
I like the innocence of newbies like you. The fact that you think you will get an honest answer on this message board is laudable, but highly unrealistic. That said, I think she is nuts, and her best days (if there were any) are far in the rear view mirror.
Originally posted by Scout 4u:
Don't know about Obama being the worst president in history but I think you may be the worst poster.
The Civil War, really?

This folks is someone who loves their Party...

Congratulation, you win...
I'm glad he's on your side.
You should be proud.
Vietnam? Really? Obama worse than Bush? Really? Better off in 2008 than 2014? Really?

I guess you liked being on the verge of economic collapse and bogged down in a war against a country that didn't invade us. Congratulations, glad I'm not on your side. At least I'm not delusional.
This post was edited on 9/14 6:06 PM by Bogey Man
Wall street and the banks might disagree. Obama has been a huge let down, but you will never convince me he is worst than Bush, but I must say he has 2 years left to get there and seems bound and determine to get there.
What is wrong with you? You are not nearly as fun, as you used to be!
You know Expect, I'm almost 60. . .

It's time to mend fences and move on...
With that said, your still a Silly
Expect, I respect your opinion and agree with you on so many things.

Bogey, yes Bush was better than Obama and yes, I was better off in 2008 than 2014, thank you very much. You must be very young or very naive ??
Does this mean some of your questions are dishonest?


If you truly believe that George Bush will be ranked ahead of Obama
50 years from now, you make Miller look like a brain surgeon. Has Obama allowed
anyone to blow up the WTC or did he punish the doer? Did he spend trillions
invading a country irrelevant to the attack or end our involvement?

Was he in office prior to the economic meltdown or did he help get us through it?

Obama's tenure is a disappointment. But Bush will live in infamy. You are so
wrong its embarrassing.
Re: Does this mean some of your questions are dishonest?

Ag man, you are truly delusional. Keep drinking the Koolaide! And I am neither young nor naive, but grounded in reality.

Ag-man starts a thread about Pelosi and at this point in time there are 3 posts referencing Pelosi and 27 with no reference to Pelosi at all.

Does EVERYONE in the world have ADD now or is it just on Mosports?
Re: Does this mean some of your questions are dishonest?


Did Obama allow anyone to blow up the WTC ? No, that was Clinton

Did he spend trillions invading a country irrelevant to the attack ? No, that was Bush with wide support from the democrats.

Was he in office prior to the economic meltdown or did he help us get through it ? Neither, he didn't cause it and hasn't helped get through it.

Since I have answered your question's, here is one for you. How many Americans were beheaded on t.v. when Bush was in office?

I think the answer to your question is deflection
Re: Does this mean some of your questions are dishonest?

If all you guys can do is compare who is best and who is worse between President Obama and President Bush, you both lose.
Originally posted by Bogey Man:

618,000 killed in the American Civil War with Republican President in Lincoln!!

And a Democrat was President in Richmond (name of Jefferson Davis).

Re: Does this mean some of your questions are dishonest?

No one was arguing over "best". There is no "best" in those two.
But you can be the most biased titwad in the world and you can't come up
with a WTC, IRAQ War, Financial Meltdown tragedy that has occurred under
Obama to match the Bush record. Infamy sir. Infamy.

Obama--failure. Bush--tragic failure.
Re: Does this mean some of your questions are dishonest?

Come on, Duck, you've got to get your mind right. Your vision is skewed, man. You need to come into the light. Mr. Obama has a couple years to go to get himself into great position to take that bottom spot.
(Sorry, man, just had to! You guys are SO serious today!)
Re: Does this mean some of your questions are dishonest?

Another MoSports,
"I hate Bush"..."I love Obama" worthless thread...

Got anything else?
Re: Does this mean some of your questions are dishonest?

You were gone for months and you are still not funny.
No one in the thread said I love Obama. READ.
GOT ANYTHING ELSE besides no reading comprehension.

This post was edited on 9/15 7:57 PM by Duck_walk