The gal that cut the baby out of the lady following up to a craigslist ad, will not face murder charges, because Colorado doesn't recognize a fetus as a being.
Now before this turns into an abortion argument. I don't give a flip what you do. I think if you have a healthy baby not produced from a rapist, you're a ....................... for not taking responsibility for your actions(using abortion as birth control, yes it happens). That's between you and your maker.
But the fact this lady had no plan of aborting this baby and all things considering it was going to be a healthy baby, this crazy .......... needs to get a straight ticket there.
And yes Rumor, "they're just following the law". I get it.
Now before this turns into an abortion argument. I don't give a flip what you do. I think if you have a healthy baby not produced from a rapist, you're a ....................... for not taking responsibility for your actions(using abortion as birth control, yes it happens). That's between you and your maker.
But the fact this lady had no plan of aborting this baby and all things considering it was going to be a healthy baby, this crazy .......... needs to get a straight ticket there.
And yes Rumor, "they're just following the law". I get it.