

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
I don't like this choice. She going to help him win California?
Rice would be very capable to run the country if something happened which at 77 is highly likely.
I do think that vp debate could be interesting. That is the one that should have a bet on it.
Well, she's not taking the job to vice-president. JB is on his last leg. Don't worry she's not a radical.

She'd never say she's in favor of banning fracking. Pennslyvania you're screwed. She wants to ban plastic straws. Exciting!

She wants to ban meat. But she's a pragmatic moderate. Bahahaha. Her laugh is Hillary 2.0.

Such a bad candidate in the Presidential primary. She went straight to the front, then flamed out. Then everybody said "we need more black candidates", and evidently no we don't. But we loved her.

She doesn't win Joe a state.

She has no traction in the black community. If she'd had traction in the black community she wouldn't have dropped out before the first primary.

Joe Biden has much more traction in the black community then Kamala Harris ever did.

Shes not moderate. She's not a particularly good debater. She can throw single punches then immediately flee.

She's extraordinarily charmless and weirdly mechanical. Remember her fake laugh over the Kamala Harris campaign bus?

The bus was decommissioned into a truancy bus, so she could go back to her job as AG and arrest all the truant students.

She called Joe Biden an old white vicious racist. Bahahaha.

Better times now. Evil Joe Biden was going to keep her from going to school! Remember when she wanted Joe to apologize to her for segregationist? Now they're best friends.

Now, he's not evil, because she can be President. slow clap. Don't worry guys she's not a vicious backbiting mechanically rehearsed politician.

She's a moderate on healthcare. She took every position possible during the primaries. She was for medicare all, then she was like let's phase out private insurance gradually. Who the heck needs private health insurance except for the vast majority of American that like it?
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this response shows just how worried you are.
Bye Don 2020.
I've already posted Don will lose and there's no way he can win. Once again you got nuthin but mumbo jumbo. We get what we deserve bruh. The Democrats are garbage. So be it.
The best thing is she's a unifier. She doesn't like the term identity politics. She is a unifying pragmatic candidate.

Remember when she said EO can ban assault weapons? What a charmer.
Well, she's not taking the job to vice-president. JB is on his last leg. Don't worry she's not a radical.

She'd never say she's in favor of banning fracking. Pennslyvania you're screwed. She wants to ban plastic straws. Exciting!

She wants to ban meat. But she's a pragmatic moderate. Bahahaha. Her laugh is Hillary 2.0.

Such a bad candidate in the Presidential primary. She went straight to the front, then flamed out. Then everybody said "we need more black candidates", and evidently no we don't. But we loved her.

She doesn't win Joe a state.

She has no traction in the black community. If she'd had traction in the black community she wouldn't have dropped out before the first primary.

Joe Biden has much more traction in the black community then Kamala Harris ever did.

Shes not moderate. She's not a particularly good debater. She can throw single punches then immediately flee.

She's extraordinarily charmless and weirdly mechanical. Remember her fake laugh over the Kamala Harris campaign bus?

The bus was decommissioned into a truancy bus, so she could go back to her job as AG and arrest all the truant students.

She called Joe Biden an old white vicious racist. Bahahaha.

Better times now. Evil Joe Biden was going to keep her from going to school! Remember when she wanted Joe to apologize to her for segregationist? Now they're best friends.

Now, he's not evil, because she can be President. slow clap. Don't worry guys she's not a vicious backbiting mechanically rehearsed politician.

She's a moderate on healthcare. She took every position possible during the primaries. She was for medicare all, then she was like let's phase out private insurance gradually. Who the heck needs private health insurance except for the vast majority of American that like it?
I am surprised it took you this long to post. You must have had to come back from your meltdown after seeing a black woman nominated and could become your president.
I might go out and get some Appleton rum and pineapple juice or red stripe​
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Kamala Harris opens up lines of attack for Trump. Shes' a way better pick than Karen Bass the open communist.

She's a blue check veneer pick because she is a black woman. She's not a good candidate.

She believes accusers that Joe Biden made women feel uncomfortable. She believes Joe Bidens' sexual harassment accusers.

But ultimately people vote for Presidents, not vice presidents.

If COVID settles down, the Dow is at 30,000 pts, and unemployment reaches single digits, Trump can make up 5 points and take away 2. But it's a longshot.
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I’m sure it will change to President Harris because Biden won’t last very long if he wins
Jamaica’s population largely consists of those descended from enslaved Africans brought by the English to work the island’s sugar estates ( here ). As of 2012, 90% of Jamaicans were of African origin ( here ).

Not really related to the thread, but to the comment. There's a fascinating piece in "The Sports Gene" (I think that is the right book, it's been awhile) about the slave trade stopping in Jamaica before coming to the states. The slaves fled while the ships were stopped there. The ones that ran the fastest made it out, settled down, and started their own tribe. Essentially, really fast people started having kids with other really fast people and now that area produces world class sprinters today that trace their heritage back to that. I know it's a weird anecdote (that I probably didn't get 100% accurate), but I wanted to nerd out for a second. Highly recommend the read! Carry on.
Associate press said Indian American but it all depends on what news outlet you read
Not really related to the thread, but to the comment. There's a fascinating piece in "The Sports Gene" (I think that is the right book, it's been awhile) about the slave trade stopping in Jamaica before coming to the states. The slaves fled while the ships were stopped there. The ones that ran the fastest made it out, settled down, and started their own tribe. Essentially, really fast people started having kids with other really fast people and now that area produces world class sprinters today that trace their heritage back to that. I know it's a weird anecdote (that I probably didn't get 100% accurate), but I wanted to nerd out for a second. Highly recommend the read! Carry on.

Interesting topic and reminded me of a topic in a "Sports in Society" class at SEMO. The topic one day was "Why do so many major sports have a disproportionate number of black athletes compared to the % of blacks in the general population?"

Note: The old tale that blacks have an extra muscle in their legs is a myth. Blacks and white are identical anatomically.

These were the theories introduced, and are just theories;

Genetic theory: Slave owners wanted strong and healthy slaves for workers. Often slaves who were not physically fit, disabled, born with defects, not big and strong, and not valuable workers were castrated and even killed at birth. The healthiest were encouraged to pro create, while the less than desirable slave were prohibited. Thus the gene pool among blacks favor big, strong, muscular, physically fit offspring.

Economic theory: Dating back to the days of segregation and racial discrimination, sports were the first real opportunity for blacks to make a lot of money. For most of our history through emancipation, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights movement, blacks did not have the opportunity in business to become rich. But blacks did see athletes like Jack Johnson, Joe Lewis, Jackie Robinson, and eventually the inclusion of blacks in all sports become rich.

Social theory: As a result of blacks inclusion in professional sports, blacks began to see sports as their only path to becoming wealthy. For much of black's history, they could not even get into college to become doctors, lawyers, bankers, and big businessmen. As a result, blacks began to focus more on becoming athletes and worked harder to become highly skilled, with the hopes and dreams of becoming rich. Sports such as basketball and football became a part of the black culture. Blacks took to team sports that could be played for free or cheaply, and not the "country club" sports. Still today, the quickest and easiest way for a great many blacks to escape poverty is through sports.

I tend to believe it is a combination of all 3 theories.
Interesting topic and reminded me of a topic in a "Sports in Society" class at SEMO. The topic one day was "Why do so many major sports have a disproportionate number of black athletes compared to the % of blacks in the general population?"

Note: The old tale that blacks have an extra muscle in their legs is a myth. Blacks and white are identical anatomically.

These were the theories introduced, and are just theories;

Genetic theory: Slave owners wanted strong and healthy slaves for workers. Often slaves who were not physically fit, disabled, born with defects, not big and strong, and not valuable workers were castrated and even killed at birth. The healthiest were encouraged to pro create, while the less than desirable slave were prohibited. Thus the gene pool among blacks favor big, strong, muscular, physically fit offspring.

Economic theory: Dating back to the days of segregation and racial discrimination, sports were the first real opportunity for blacks to make a lot of money. For most of our history through emancipation, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights movement, blacks did not have the opportunity in business to become rich. But blacks did see athletes like Jack Johnson, Joe Lewis, Jackie Robinson, and eventually the inclusion of blacks in all sports become rich.

Social theory: As a result of blacks inclusion in professional sports, blacks began to see sports as their only path to becoming wealthy. For much of black's history, they could not even get into college to become doctors, lawyers, bankers, and big businessmen. As a result, blacks began to focus more on becoming athletes and worked harder to become highly skilled, with the hopes and dreams of becoming rich. Sports such as basketball and football became a part of the black culture. Blacks took to team sports that could be played for free or cheaply, and not the "country club" sports. Still today, the quickest and easiest way for a great many blacks to escape poverty is through sports.

I tend to believe it is a combination of all 3 theories.

All those theories make sense, I have heard the genetic one. But the other two are new to me. If you haven't read the Sports Gene, I really recommend it. It breaks down each trait that we think makes athletes great including physical and mental components. It's fascinating. The chapter on sled dogs might have been my favorite.

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