Happy Birthday


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2001
(warning...this is a pimp out designed as a post lol) Happy birthday today to my website, CHS, launched 14 years ago by a guy who didn't have a clue what he was doing (that'd be me). 14 years and over 5,000 individual pages later, it's still going strong. I know there are better looking and more flashy high school websites, but I have yet to see one with the complete results from 115+ years of sports. What I am most proud of is that you never have, and never will, see a paid adveristment on the site. It's for the athletes, and the coaches that work them hard.
I've often thought of trying to compile all the Macon stuff, but probably lost my window with the paper shutting down. There's good records back to the '50s or at least there was when I was in school.

Good stuff and congrats!
I spent a heck of a lot of time in the library with microfilm, then they put the local paper on newspaper archives web site, which helped a lot.
I spent a heck of a lot of time in the library with microfilm, then they put the local paper on newspaper archives web site, which helped a lot.

I have done some of that for my local school, trying to get those early gamse say 1910 and are so hard. Congratulation I know to be able to do something like that has to be a passion because of the time just going over and over things.

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