There is no more interest in Bragging rights game.It has over stayed it welcome. Use to
be biggest thing in Christmas Holiday sports now no one pays attention. I know they are
both poor teams but it just doesn't have any meaning any more. Who cares lose to IL. means
nothing there is no rivarly like it use to be.Went Storming Norman coaches I could tell you
every IL.player man it was so neat to beat them. Now I could care less I pay no attention.
Frank Haith ruined Mizzou basketball but hey he got another job what does he care.
be biggest thing in Christmas Holiday sports now no one pays attention. I know they are
both poor teams but it just doesn't have any meaning any more. Who cares lose to IL. means
nothing there is no rivarly like it use to be.Went Storming Norman coaches I could tell you
every IL.player man it was so neat to beat them. Now I could care less I pay no attention.
Frank Haith ruined Mizzou basketball but hey he got another job what does he care.