Good Teams with bad records.


Nov 24, 2019
In some seasons a team may lose most or every 50-50 game. This year Rock Bridge was 3-7, but seemed to be a legitimately good team. They got killed by Desmet, but so did everyone else. They lost to Rockhurst by two and they lost 4 games by a touchdown. They also had one bad loss to Lee's Summit West.

Any other teams you recall that had subpar or losing records, but were actually good?
Probably look at the Big 8 or even the COC in SWMO. Ozark and Nixa were 4-5, but had losses to Webb, Carthage, and Joplin. Willard was the same. East Newton was 2-9 in the Big 8, won their first round of district. They lost several games by less than a score.

Cabool and Willow Springs were below .500. Willow played in their district Championship game.
Republic had the best offense on a 2 win time I've ever seen. They'd have done some damage with any resemblance of a defense.

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