Not a contradiciton but I see your point. We've lost our common sense. We don't need extensive training to teach K. China is smarter than us. China is not in Europe. Another post claimed Germany has extensive training to get a driver's liscence and a gun and that a gun is a privilege in Germany. I posted we have extensive training to teach K as an example that we need neither, look at China ( we've lost our way).
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”
― Thomas Jefferson
My main point is, let's look at American ingenuity to solve our own problem. Presidential hopefuls like Sanders and Clinton point to social programs successful in smaller countries and that the USA should bottle their ideas. One poster claimed Germany control's is guns better, and we should copy there program.( I'm not going into Germany's history of horror that set historical precendence for this).
The bottom line is, we can't trust our Gov to preserve the constitution for law abiding citizens. The left want's to ultimately register and eventually confiscate the guns of law abiding citizens to somehow prevent mass shootings. We lose freedom because of the idiot's out there that shoot and kill innocent people. I'm willing to give up some of my freedom if I could trust the Gov. for we can do more to prevent mentally ill people from killing folks. All of us can agree we simply can't trust the crooks in Washington.
The Constitution was written over 200 years ago. It's an imperfect document, women sufferage and slavery ex. The author's could not have forseen the state of the countries ( people ) in 2015.
"If there is a possibility of founding a perfectly free government, and giving it permanent duration, it must be raised upon the pure maxims, and supported by the undecaying practice, of that religion, which breathes ”peace on earth, and good will to men.” That religion [Christianity] is perfectly republican . . . . it is calculated to humble the pride and allay the discontents of men. . . . It restrains the magistrate from oppression, and the subject from revolt . . . . it secures a perfect equality of rights, by enjoining a discharge of all social duties, and a strict subordination to law. The universal prevalence of that religion, in its true spirit, would banish tyranny from the earth". Noah Webster