GDP over 8 3.9 unemployment

look at Real GDP growth after the current dollar figure is adjusted for our horrific inflation and it doesnt look quite so good :)
I knew you folks could find something wrong with it. Inflation comes along after a good period of time so I'm not convinced it's all Biden's fault. I haven't figured why having more money the hands of the people is a bad thing and causes prices to go up. If they didn't have that money the economy couldn't possibly be good. If unemployment was 8% you would be saying that was Biden's fault too. We've had the fastest recovery/growth in the economy in 40 or 50 years but you go ahead and tell us how bad things are.
I knew you folks could find something wrong with it. Inflation comes along after a good period of time so I'm not convinced it's all Biden's fault. I haven't figured why having more money the hands of the people is a bad thing and causes prices to go up. If they didn't have that money the economy couldn't possibly be good. If unemployment was 8% you would be saying that was Biden's fault too. We've had the fastest recovery/growth in the economy in 40 or 50 years but you go ahead and tell us how bad things are.
When you increase the money supply by 50% in a year you're going to get inflation.

I know the average trumper can't or won't come to terms with that but there it is.
Yes printing to much money is causes inflation and devalues the Dollar. Prices go up so even though you have more money it doesn't buy as much product. It's the Dog chasing it's tail. currency sloshing around, prices skyrocket.

I'm pretty sure a Lot of Trump supporters understand...but do Socialist Bideners get that you can't just give everyone everything and the system not collapse?

The irony of Socialist telling capitalist they don't understand how the economy works is mind boggling.
The biggest thing driving prices up right now is high wages, and a tight labor market is driving wages up.

For years we all complained that illegal immigration was driving down wages, guess what illegal immigration is at it lowest in decades and still falling, the demand for workers is way up there are more job openings than qualified workers. Woman have also left the job market and are not returning; you want workers you now must pony up wages. I don’t know that this is a bad thing? For years Pubs said you slow down illegal immigration and wages will increase, and they are! But along with that the cost of things are going up right along with wages because business continue to rake in record profits. Which if you are a stock holder it is a good time.

My bother in law was telling me his construction business has less foreign labor than any time in the last 10 years and less are applying, which means they must increase wages to attract people to the construction trade. They are now paying close to 6 figures to get construction workers, to me that is crazy, just a month ago he had to raise several wages because other companies were offering more and he was losing workers.
Unfettered wage increases are bad.. gradual increases that mirror the economy are good. For years wages did lag behind the economy in a lot of fields. And believe me Pub's and Dem's had plenty of blame in this and Conservatives and Business benefited from it as the average joe suffered.
The biggest thing driving prices up right now is high wages, and a tight labor market is driving wages up.

For years we all complained that illegal immigration was driving down wages, guess what illegal immigration is at it lowest in decades and still falling, the demand for workers is way up there are more job openings than qualified workers. Woman have also left the job market and are not returning; you want workers you now must pony up wages. I don’t know that this is a bad thing? For years Pubs said you slow down illegal immigration and wages will increase, and they are! But along with that the cost of things are going up right along with wages because business continue to rake in record profits. Which if you are a stock holder it is a good time.

My bother in law was telling me his construction business has less foreign labor than any time in the last 10 years and less are applying, which means they must increase wages to attract people to the construction trade. They are now paying close to 6 figures to get construction workers, to me that is crazy, just a month ago he had to raise several wages because other companies were offering more and he was losing workers.
Biden is getting beat on this because the GOP and their media surrogates are out propagandaing him.

We had that convo in a class the other day.

Who do you know that wants to work and can't find a job? *crickets*

The pay is really high right now and that is the prime driver.

It doesn't help that trumpy increased the money supply by 50% in his train wreck of an admin. And that clown wanted more.

America may never recover from that loser.
Trump and Trump again clearly you have Trump derangement syndrome …Biden is the issue and all but a small percentage of the population sees that per massive polling data..Biden is the cause and only his true followers believe other wise. He’s had over a year to put in place economic polices to help…his policies have done the reverse.
Clearly his far left socialist policies have had a negative effect. Blaming Trump is your only defense but with that said 100% baseless. The economy has had gotten worse under Biden. Keep blaming Trump like the boy who cried wolf no one believes it but the cult.
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Trump and Trump again clearly you have Trump derangement syndrome …Biden is the issue and all but a small percentage of the population sees that per massive polling data..Biden is the cause and only his true followers believe other wise. He’s had over a year to put in place economic polices to help…his policies have done the reverse.
Clearly his far left socialist policies have had a negative effect. Blaming Trump is your only defense but with that said 100% baseless. The economy has had gotten worse under Biden. Keep blaming Trump like the boy who cried wolf no one believes it but the cult.
What is worse other than gas prices which he has no real control over? There are more job openings than people to fill them even though wages are up. Unemployment is way down and GDP is way up. This the fastest recovery in 40 years!
The cartels started raising oil prices by cutting production a long time ago. Just exactly how would he stop that?The pipeline you keep crying about was not finished therefore never had a barrel of oil flow through it so that ain't it.
The massive supply chain issue and the massive rise in the cost of all products that offset the rise in wages. When Fuel, Food, Entertainment, rent, real estate, Clothing all increase at a incredible rate then the wage increases are a net push or even a loss. That is why so many people are upset with the Economy. Biden is to blame.
Yes printing to much money is causes inflation and devalues the Dollar. Prices go up so even though you have more money it doesn't buy as much product. It's the Dog chasing it's tail. has two main causes,rise as in regular inflation.&text=With too much currency sloshing around, prices skyrocket.

I'm pretty sure a Lot of Trump supporters understand...but do Socialist Bideners get that you can't just give everyone everything and the system not collapse?

The irony of Socialist telling capitalist they don't understand how the economy works is mind boggling.

Wait a second. Your initial premise on socialists is that they don't understand how the economy works and capitalists do?! That is laughable. Nobody understands it, or economists might be right consistently rather than randomly. Nobody really understands why every single Republican president over the past 100 years has had a recession (or depression or The Great Depression) begin in their tenure (though it is true) or why the recovery nearly always takes place under a Democrat either (though it is true), because if they did understand it, for political reasons alone Republican economists would be want to reverse that trend.

Democrats are, I'm sure, fine with this 100 year-old trend, but to say that they were the reason for recoveries is just as foolish. It is an unbelievably complex system. There are too many factors to consider to make it consistently predictable. It is ignorant to suggest otherwise.
Trump and Trump again clearly you have Trump derangement syndrome …Biden is the issue and all but a small percentage of the population sees that per massive polling data..Biden is the cause and only his true followers believe other wise. He’s had over a year to put in place economic polices to help…his policies have done the reverse.
Clearly his far left socialist policies have had a negative effect. Blaming Trump is your only defense but with that said 100% baseless. The economy has had gotten worse under Biden. Keep blaming Trump like the boy who cried wolf no one believes it but the cult.
I think Trump got the economy going, then the pandemic put the brakes on everything, business was afraid of recession and contraction and pretty much stop manufacturing. But the exact opposite happened. People went on spending Just differently. And things are different more people work from home so high gases prices doesn't hurt your wallet as bad for many. Things are just different.

And as far as chain supple issues...they were already showing up under Trumps watch, you just have to look at lumber prices to realize that, almost everyone was remodeling or building a new home and under Trump a 2x4 was almost $7 if you could find one, yet not a single Pub remembers that or seems to have forgotten…. and Home prices skyrocketed! Then once people started getting out as the pandemic slowed down demand for furniture for those new and remodeled homes went up and you started to see shortages and supply constraints. Which yes has happened under Bidens watch but hey we were seeing record lumber prices under Trump? So not sure he would be doing much better.

As for gas our tribal oil wells are producing less now yet we are seeing record profits and really we cannot produce more as there is not enough refinery space no place to go with the oil? Which makes me go hmmm? So why increase production and with so much slack in oil production why are prices so high?

As for prices and inflation, sure they are up for many things but doesn't seem to be slowing down purchasing right now! Like a family member that was bitching about Biden and prices while they drove me to home depot in their new corvette they purchased due to wage increases… to purchase things for a new home, they were able to afford because they were bragging about the record price and profit they got for thier old home.... I just shook, my head as they couldn't see they were better off even with high prices.. Almost everybody I know is better off and spending money like it is water, wages are increasing and if your wages aren’t increasing? you can find a job that will double your current wage right now.

But I do really wonder how long can this craziness can go on.
Wait a second. Your initial premise on socialists is that they don't understand how the economy works and capitalists do?! That is laughable. Nobody understands it, or economists might be right consistently rather than randomly. Nobody really understands why every single Republican president over the past 100 years has had a recession (or depression or The Great Depression) begin in their tenure (though it is true) or why the recovery nearly always takes place under a Democrat either (though it is true), because if they did understand it, for political reasons alone Republican economists would be want to reverse that trend.

Democrats are, I'm sure, fine with this 100 year-old trend, but to say that they were the reason for recoveries is just as foolish. It is an unbelievably complex system. There are too many factors to consider to make it consistently predictable. It is ignorant to suggest otherwise.
Agreed except on the part about GOP economists. They don't care how the economy at large does. They just want the rich guys taken care of. That's like 1% of GOP voters. The rest are middle class and lower and get the shaft.

GOP preys on ignorance.
I think Trump got the economy going, then the pandemic put the brakes on everything, business was afraid of recession and contraction and pretty much stop manufacturing. But the exact opposite happened. People went on spending Just differently. And things are different more people work from home so high gases prices doesn't hurt your wallet as bad for many. Things are just different.

And as far as chain supple issues...they were already showing up under Trumps watch, you just have to look at lumber prices to realize that, almost everyone was remodeling or building a new home and under Trump a 2x4 was almost $7 if you could find one, yet not a single Pub remembers that or seems to have forgotten…. and Home prices skyrocketed! Then once people started getting out as the pandemic slowed down demand for furniture for those new and remodeled homes went up and you started to see shortages and supply constraints. Which yes has happened under Bidens watch but hey we were seeing record lumber prices under Trump? So not sure he would be doing much better.

As for gas our tribal oil wells are producing less now yet we are seeing record profits and really we cannot produce more as there is not enough refinery space no place to go with the oil? Which makes me go hmmm? So why increase production and with so much slack in oil production why are prices so high?

As for prices and inflation, sure they are up for many things but doesn't seem to be slowing down purchasing right now! Like a family member that was bitching about Biden and prices while they drove me to home depot in their new corvette they purchased due to wage increases… to purchase things for a new home, they were able to afford because they were bragging about the record price and profit they got for thier old home.... I just shook, my head as they couldn't see they were better off even with high prices.. Almost everybody I know is better off and spending money like it is water, wages are increasing and if your wages aren’t increasing? you can find a job that will double your current wage right now.

But I do really wonder how long can this craziness can go on.
Clearly you are putting to much thought into this....the Dem's blamed Trump for everything..Deaths from the Pandemic, being overly corrupt Russian stooge without evidence, being to mean and vile...and on and on..

It's now Biden turn on the Whipping wheel of Blame. No amount of logic, data or reason mattered to the Leftist, orange man Bad, he did nothing good during his whole 4 years and he was a blight on the Country,....No amount of Civil discourse backed by factual data mattered to them.

So I have learned one thing from the Dem''s not about intellectual reasoning. It's about one off emotional out burst's of Blame. Appealing to the masses emotional fears and biases is clearly a great strategy. Feelings always Trump FACTS in this day and age that is clear.

So Clearly Biden is 100% responsible for more C19 Deaths under his watch and is 100% responsible for the tanking economy. I've figured out how the game is played...finally.
Clearly you are putting to much thought into this....the Dem's blamed Trump for everything..Deaths from the Pandemic, being overly corrupt Russian stooge without evidence, being to mean and vile...and on and on..

It's now Biden turn on the Whipping wheel of Blame. No amount of logic, data or reason mattered to the Leftist, orange man Bad, he did nothing good during his whole 4 years and he was a blight on the Country,....No amount of Civil discourse backed by factual data mattered to them.

So I have learned one thing from the Dem''s not about intellectual reasoning. It's about one off emotional out burst's of Blame. Appealing to the masses emotional fears and biases is clearly a great strategy. Feelings always Trump FACTS in this day and age that is clear.

So Clearly Biden is 100% responsible for more C19 Deaths under his watch and is 100% responsible for the tanking economy. I've figured out how the game is played...finally.
Economy isn't tanked sassy meme!

You're just a gullible trumper that swallows the propaganda!
Clearly you are putting to much thought into this....the Dem's blamed Trump for everything..Deaths from the Pandemic, being overly corrupt Russian stooge without evidence, being to mean and vile...and on and on..

It's now Biden turn on the Whipping wheel of Blame. No amount of logic, data or reason mattered to the Leftist, orange man Bad, he did nothing good during his whole 4 years and he was a blight on the Country,....No amount of Civil discourse backed by factual data mattered to them.

So I have learned one thing from the Dem''s not about intellectual reasoning. It's about one off emotional out burst's of Blame. Appealing to the masses emotional fears and biases is clearly a great strategy. Feelings always Trump FACTS in this day and age that is clear.

So Clearly Biden is 100% responsible for more C19 Deaths under his watch and is 100% responsible for the tanking economy. I've figured out how the game is played...finally.

You say these things as if the right is innocent of the exact same histrionics.

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to “Henry Tompkinson” (Samuel Kercheval)​

Monticello July 12. 16.​
"Some men look at Constitutions with sanctimonious reverence, & deem them, like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched. they ascribe to the men of the preceding age a wisdom more than human, and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment. I knew that age well: I belonged to it, and labored with it. it deserved well of it’s country. it was very like the present, but without the experience of the present: and 40. years of experience in government is worth a century of book-reading: and this they would say themselves, were they to rise from the dead. I am certainly not an advocate for frequent & untried changes in laws and constitutions ... but I know also that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind ... we might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."

Extract from Thomas Jefferson to “Henry Tompkinson” (Samuel Kercheval)​

Monticello July 12. 16.​
"Some men look at Constitutions with sanctimonious reverence, & deem them, like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched. they ascribe to the men of the preceding age a wisdom more than human, and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment. I knew that age well: I belonged to it, and labored with it. it deserved well of it’s country. it was very like the present, but without the experience of the present: and 40. years of experience in government is worth a century of book-reading: and this they would say themselves, were they to rise from the dead. I am certainly not an advocate for frequent & untried changes in laws and constitutions ... but I know also that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind ... we might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
MGHS just can't see that the economy is doing quite well because it doesn't fit his narrative. I haven't seen him post on the jobs added in January or that some previous months were upgraded to show more jobs than they showed before. The numbers today were nearly double the expectation. The total for Biden's first year is a record high! Many people are leaving their jobs to take new job at higher wage or that fits their life better or both. The bottom wage earners take is now out pacing inflation so they're doing better than most in this economy.
MGHS just can't see that the economy is doing quite well because it doesn't fit his narrative. I haven't seen him post on the jobs added in January or that some previous months were upgraded to show more jobs than they showed before. The numbers today were nearly double the expectation. The total for Biden's first year is a record high! Many people are leaving their jobs to take new job at higher wage or that fits their life better or both. The bottom wage earners take is now out pacing inflation so they're doing better than most in this economy.
I don't think that's in his TrumpScout email.

He's a meme
You say these things as if the right is innocent of the exact same histrionics.
I never said that at all....but the Right does lend more to Facts over feelings on a lot of issues.

Look at the Difference between my post....I provide actual data and and evidence with links...often from left leaning sites.

Veer...3Rfan..Kask in throwing out opinions based on their hate for Trump. Never really even attempting to refute or counter the OP.

So yes Rep's do use hyperbole at times. ....The Dem's live in that world. From Al Gore climate change lies...To Cops Kill thousands of unarmed Black men a Trump being a Russian operative.. to Guns are the most dangerous things in America and AR-15 are automatic military weapons. Fear mongering is a Art from of the Left.

Rep's try but we are rather lame at this game......
MGHS just can't see that the economy is doing quite well because it doesn't fit his narrative. I haven't seen him post on the jobs added in January or that some previous months were upgraded to show more jobs than they showed before. The numbers today were nearly double the expectation. The total for Biden's first year is a record high! Many people are leaving their jobs to take new job at higher wage or that fits their life better or both. The bottom wage earners take is now out pacing inflation so they're doing better than most in this economy.
I find it interesting that the hardcore leftwingers keep Touting up the economy as booming but the General Rank and file citizens don't see it that way per all the polling data, and please spear me the Right wing is using it's wide spread power to persuade this perception....It's easy to see why the average citizen feels this way.... because when your dollar buy's less and Energy cost are eating up all your wage's then your disposable income is reduced.
I never said that at all....but the Right does lend more to Facts over feelings on a lot of issues.

Look at the Difference between my post....I provide actual data and and evidence with links...often from left leaning sites.

Veer...3Rfan..Kask in throwing out opinions based on their hate for Trump. Never really even attempting to refute or counter the OP.

So yes Rep's do use hyperbole at times. ....The Dem's live in that world. From Al Gore climate change lies...To Cops Kill thousands of unarmed Black men a Trump being a Russian operative.. to Guns are the most dangerous things in America and AR-15 are automatic military weapons. Fear mongering is a Art from of the Left.

Rep's try but we are rather lame at this game......

To say that one side is more involved in using facts over feelings is to look at the situation through partisan-tinted glasses. Also, to anecdotally support this mistaken notion with examples of a few people on a message board is short-sighted and involves at least a little self-deceit, if not ignorance. All you have to do is read the political ads you receive in the mail (still) around campaign time or watch political ads from any era of politics (and not just American, obviously) to see that no one party has a monopoly fear-mongering and emotional manipulation.

Any person who can discern a rhetorical technique being used can see that both sides are unconcerned by those of us who can discern a rhetorical technique being used. They know that the vast majority of the voting population primarily rely on emotional response; therefore, they use emotional rhetoric, independent of whether truth is involved or not. And why wouldn't they? Their mission is to stay in power, not to be altruistic and honest.
I agree the sample size is small on this board. And yes both sides deal in manipulation although I do believe the left is much better at it than the right. They have the techniques down pat for their demographic. And yes both sides mission is to remain in power.

But I believe that Dem's are more manipulated by feelings, stories and personal experiences. And Rep's are more data driven.

Take the Gun issue...The left does a great job of weaponizing every possible incident in a personal way. Rep's respond that the Data shows that the number of people killed by guns in a statistical zero compared to Vehicle deaths, Cancer, Strokes, heart disease, accidents etc. And that AR-15 deaths are even less those killed by Clubs, Feet, hands etc. But the emotion matters more to the Dem's than the facts. AR-15 look scary and should be banned. WHY? Cause the emotional response. Why do Rep's not buy into that? Cause the statistics show that dying from a Gun is minimal and dying from a AR-15 is even more miniscule.

I agree the sample size is small on this board. And yes both sides deal in manipulation although I do believe the left is much better at it than the right. They have the techniques down pat for their demographic. And yes both sides mission is to remain in power.

But I believe that Dem's are more manipulated by feelings, stories and personal experiences. And Rep's are more data driven.

Take the Gun issue...The left does a great job of weaponizing every possible incident in a personal way. Rep's respond that the Data shows that the number of people killed by guns in a statistical zero compared to Vehicle deaths, Cancer, Strokes, heart disease, accidents etc. And that AR-15 deaths are even less those killed by Clubs, Feet, hands etc. But the emotion matters more to the Dem's than the facts. AR-15 look scary and should be banned. WHY? Cause the emotional response. Why do Rep's not buy into that? Cause the statistics show that dying from a Gun is minimal and dying from a AR-15 is even more miniscule.

Are you sure you want to go down the path of looking at studies that verify our personal echo chambers? You, of all people, should know that this is not resolved science: "there is also an unresolved chicken-and-egg problem: Do brains start out processing the world differently or do they become increasingly different as our politics evolve? Furthermore, it is still not entirely clear how useful it is to know that a Republican’s brain lights up over X while a Democrat’s responds to Y."
I've read this article before and it is more than likely true.....People are hardwired by genetics on a lot of things. Have read several studies that show that Bigotry and racism his hardwired in as a evolutionary survival trait...they even mapped empathy down to the degree that people felt more empathy toward those who looked related to them. But with that said a educated and enlightened person can over come this and other biases with logical thought and insight. Just like people resist and overcome fight and flight instincts, or over come the instinct to take what they want when they want etc.. we all have free will.

And clearly hardwired tribal biases do exist. That is why we have a two part system and people inch toward one or another. That is why different regions of the country have different core values and beliefs.

It is quite possible that the differences between Dem's and Rep's are just biology to a large degree.
It is quite possible that the differences between Dem's and Rep's are just biology to a large degree.

I've read this article before and it is more than likely true.....People are hardwired by genetics on a lot of things. Have read several studies that show that Bigotry and racism his hardwired in as a evolutionary survival trait...they even mapped empathy down to the degree that people felt more empathy toward those who looked related to them. But with that said a educated and enlightened person can over come this and other biases with logical thought and insight. Just like people resist and overcome fight and flight instincts, or over come the instinct to take what they want when they want etc.. we all have free will.

And clearly hardwired tribal biases do exist. That is why we have a two part system and people inch toward one or another. That is why different regions of the country have different core values and beliefs.

It is quite possible that the differences between Dem's and Rep's are just biology to a large degree.

If we attribute political differences to biology, can we not also attribute religious differences to biology? Or nearly any decision people make? Doesn't that mean that individual choice is an illusion? Is this not just fatalism in a scientific guise?
Republicans are data-driven, but the same indicators that the Republicans touted to defend Trump's economy are the same ones Biden is touting to defend his.
Republicans are data-driven, but the same indicators that the Republicans touted to defend Trump's economy are the same ones Biden is touting to defend his.

Some are. Some aren't. Same as Democrats, Independents, etc.
If we attribute political differences to biology, can we not also attribute religious differences to biology? Or nearly any decision people make? Doesn't that mean that individual choice is an illusion? Is this not just fatalism in a scientific guise?
There are always degree's as I said....Free Will. People often have predisposed biological tendencies...People can be predisposed to a lot of things as I pointed out. But a person can make a decision to choose a different path.
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