Frustrated in grocery line

have an idea

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2008
i constantly witness young, healthy customers that buy the most expensive food items and then pay with ebt cards and other welfare benefits while I work my butt off to just put food on my table
i constantly witness young, healthy customers that buy the most expensive food items and then pay with ebt cards and other welfare benefits while I work my butt off to just put food on my table

Sounds resentful. Clean your own room first, then your family before criticizing the world. Try not to make it worse by thinking about such things.

Besides, the "War on Poverty" is a complete success. Vote Democrat.

Try not to give us the stereotypical perspective of ungrateful ignorance, there is too much of that on the left side of this board already.
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Poverty should be the result for healthy individuals that aren’t willing to work. They shouldn’t be rewarded through government handouts.
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Poverty should be the result for healthy individuals that aren’t willing to work. They shouldn’t be rewarded through government handouts.
Whatever. Read above. As if you know what causes poverty because you are hungry and impoverished. Sounds like you were blessed with health and a job.
Yes I have a Masters Degree and a good job. Great health no but I still work. You believe our current welfare system is working. Ignorance is when a person has to refer to others as ignorant because they disagree with their opinion.
Yes I have a Masters Degree and a good job. Great health no but I still work. You believe our current welfare system is working. Ignorance is when a person has to refer to others as ignorant because they disagree with their opinion.

Notice the word "ungrateful" before the word "ignorance". Let me interpret what I write. It means you've been blessed and your ignorant of the gifts you've earned by working and by God Almighty Grace, the giver of all things good.

You are free to interpret what your God is to you. It can be the God of Abraham or not. Doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if your atheist or agnostic, we live as though God exists in this country. Take a look around at his miracles, he knows not a single religion. Religion was created so we could understand him more. I don't pretend to understand what God is, but I know the ancient stories or ideas behind Gods power are true. Doesn't matter if it comes from the old testament and is historically accurate, what matters is the meaning. One of the messages is to be aware of the gifts God has provided and be grateful.

To say you understand what causes poverty is to be God. You do not know. Nobody does. We only have a few realistic options. One is care for the poor and hope for the best, or do nothing. I prefer doing something.

People are complex, and there's no one reason to fit all things in Gods world. The best path forward is to not blame others, and contend with life forthrightly and to face your own burdens. Try not to make things worse. None of us are smart enough. I'm ignorant too. I don't have time to figure it all out either. Therefore, go and sin no more, don't go and sin more. Try not to lie, tell the truth and say things that can stop bad things from happening. That's all any of us can really do.

If you don't like what I've written then so what. Don't read it. Later.
Fist has been a bit less diplomatic here of late. Maybe feeling same pressure our president is feeling. Just sayin’.
That's an interesting concept, but how do you know if you like or don't like it if you don't read it first?
I know I don't like what you write before you write it.

It's predictable as well as cynical, mean and basically, the same thing reworded.

I'm sure your an OK guy. This isn't real life. It's just words.

That's not to pretend I always remember the key point. This is not a reality.
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I know I don't like what you write before you write it.

Its predictable as well as cynical and mean and basically the same thing reworded.

I'm sure your an OK guy. This isn't real life. Its just words.

That's not to be pretend I always remember the key point. This is not reality.
I'm a MO guy I don't like Oklahoma.
I'm a MO guy I don't like Oklahoma.
Good for you.
You don't pay my bills, I do. Notice I don't care what you write. I use you, in the same way, I use a movie or book. It passes the time, rarely entertaining, but once in a while, I laugh at fools.
Sometimes things arent as they seem.

1. My bro in law had a guy working for him who went on disability for a back issue. My bro had him followed and had someone take pictures of the dude golfing, chopping wood, etc etc etc. Busted. Oh and Fyi. He was a big Trump guy.

2. One of my neighbors came back from a tour in Iraq and has been on disability for over 2 years. He said for his knee .
I have seen that dude doing all kind of chores in his yard and fields that look like a pretty healthy knee to me. Right now he is traveling across the south with his wife for a couple of months with their camper. He seems happy . Perhaps he has other difficulties I dont know about. What if he has PTSD issues but didnt want to tell me? He is in his 30s. Who am I to judge?

3. I have a niece who gets food stamps/the card. She looks completely healthy and can carry on a casual conversation in most situations but she cant hold a job because she has aspergers and some other issues.
You would probably get pissed if you saw her buying her measley amount of food in the store. But trust me, she cant keep a job and its not because she wont try.
It is not correct to imply that everyone getting assistance shouldn't or that it is wrong to question whether we give way too much assistance to way too many.
We at work are constantly letting people go who are very capable but refuse to be dependable because of substance dependence or slothfulness. We have never failed to give EVERY opportunity for correcting this even offering any assistance necessary. There are also many who because of physical or mental limitations need assistance.
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It is not correct to imply that everyone getting assistance shouldn't or that it is wrong to question whether we give way too much assistance to way too many.
We at work are constantly letting people go who are very capable but refuse to be dependable because of substance dependence or slothfulness. We have never failed to give EVERY opportunity for correcting this even offering any assistance necessary. There are also many who because of physical or mental limitations need assistance.
OUR CULTURE, WHAT’S LEFT OF IT Theodore Dalrymple Monday Books
This is a informative book that delves into the complexity of real lives and a Dr. who has experienced life in a way that explains things about what we see today in parts of America.
I’m not talking measly groceries, filet mignon, crab, lobster, high end items
But if they use it for that kind of stuff they aren't getting lots of other stuff since I'd bet their card does not have an unlimited amount to spend.
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