From the father of Modern Economics

Check out @Libertea2012's Tweet:

Duck, I respect you and agree with a lot of what you say.

So , let me ask you this, old forgiving soul,

I work 55-60 hours a week in town, 20 more on the farm when I get home, as a hobby. 80 hours total to try to better myself.

So, my question, if I quit my job, sold the farm, moved to town, got tattoos, bred some tattooed fat ladies, and decided to just smoke dope and take it easy, would you support me in my decision?

Your previous post suggest you would, so what say you? Should I send the bill directly to you, or just suck the taxpayer dry?
I guess I am naive, but in my life I have seen very few capable people who have chosen the path you describe. Most people feel good about themselves when they work. There are definitely exceptions. But if it was as easy and fulfilling as you describe everyone would be doing it.
I actually hope I am the one that is naive, and this is not the norm.

However, in the town in which I work, this is the norm.
I actually hope I am the one that is naive, and this is not the norm.

However, in the town in which I work, this is the norm.

So you're 100% sure none of those people have jobs and are all sucking on the government teat, or is it possible you are just attributing negative stereotypes to people you look down on?