Joe what would you do to address the problem?
That is an honest question that deserves an honest answer.
I don't know.
I truly don't know.
As I understand the second amendment, the forefathers wanted the citizenry to be able to overthrow a tyrannical government should the need arise, as they did. This was 240ish years ago when everyone had a single shot musket. Flash forward and one must see the advancement in technology. Do I think my neighbor down the street should have an Abrams tank and some ICBM's, of course not. The founding fathers could not have known how things would be in 250 years, and as smart as they were, could not be expected to.
Which brings us to today. What or who should decide the meaning of "the right to bear arms shall not be infringed "?
I am an avid outdoorsman and hunter, I have an AR-15, more accurately, I have more than one. I also have 30 round magazines. Do I need them? No I don't. But they sell them, so why shouldn't I? Do I need an $80,000 Chevy Duramax diesel pickup? No, but they sell them everyday. When we start letting someone else decide what we need and what we can own it is a slippery slope.
I personally do not think the average citizen should own military grade weapons. The day of fighting off the tyrannical government is long gone. We have the technology as a nation, to use a drone and kill me in my house, in bed, at 3:00 am on any Thursday they choose. I can't fight that.
But as a parent, should I accept the fact that they want to disarm me and my capability of protecting my wife and children? Just call the authorities and hope they show up in time? No thank you
I could go on and on, I have way more on the subject but won't bore you.
I do not know the answer. It is a very complicated situation, and way smarter than I cannot solve it. I hate to see this happen, but don't know how to stop it. I do know, however, taking a weapon away from the law abiding, while the criminal keeps theirs is not the answer. I also know Walmart discontinuing selling ammo is a marketing ploy which will change nothing, but I couldn't care less what they do.
It is a complex problem. I don't know the answer. I wish I did.
In closing, let me ask you this.
Do you trust the government, that takes part of your paycheck every week, and uses it to help finance the murder of it's most vulnerable citizens, to show up and protect you in the middle of the night from bad men that wish you harm?
I don't